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Recently, newspapers and magazines have been full of articles about the role of the ozone layer, in which people are intimidated by possible problems in the future. You can hear from scientists about upcoming climate change, which will negatively affect all life on Earth. Will a potential danger far removed from humans really turn into such horrific events for all earthlings? What consequences does humanity expect from the destruction of the ozone layer?

The formation process and significance of the ozone layer

Ozone is a derivative of oxygen. While in the stratosphere, oxygen molecules are chemically exposed to ultraviolet radiation, after which they break down into free atoms, which, in turn, have the ability to combine with other molecules. With this interaction of oxygen molecules and atoms with third bodies, a new substance arises - this is how ozone is formed.

Being in the stratosphere, it affects the thermal regime of the Earth and the health of its population. As a planetary “guardian,” ozone absorbs excess ultraviolet radiation. However, when it enters the lower atmosphere in large quantities, it becomes quite dangerous for the human species.

An unfortunate discovery by scientists - an ozone hole over Antarctica

The process of ozone layer depletion has been the subject of much debate among scientists around the world since the late 60s. In those years, environmentalists began to raise the problem of emissions of combustion products into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor and nitrogen oxides, which were produced by jet engines of rockets and airliners. The concern has been raised by the properties of the nitric oxide released aircraft at an altitude of 25 kilometers, which is the area where the earth's shield is formed, destroy ozone. In 1985, the British Antarctic Survey recorded a 40% decrease in the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere above their Hally Bay base.

After the British scientists, many other researchers illuminated this problem. They managed to outline an area with low ozone levels already outside the southern continent. Because of this, the problem of ozone hole formation began to arise. Soon after this, another ozone hole was discovered, this time in the Arctic. However, it was smaller in size, with ozone leakage up to 9%.

Based on the results of the research, scientists calculated that in 1979-1990 the concentration of this gas in the earth’s atmosphere decreased by about 5%.

Depletion of the ozone layer: the appearance of ozone holes

The thickness of the ozone layer can be 3-4mm, its maximum values ​​are located at the poles, and its minimums are located along the equator. The highest concentration of gas can be found 25 kilometers in the stratosphere above the Arctic. Dense layers are sometimes found at altitudes up to 70 km, usually in the tropics. The troposphere does not have much ozone because it has greater exposure seasonal changes and pollution of various types.

As soon as the gas concentration decreases by one percent, there is an immediate increase in the intensity of ultraviolet radiation above the earth's surface by 2%. The influence of ultraviolet rays on planetary organics is compared to ionizing radiation.

Depletion of the ozone layer could cause disasters associated with excessive heating, increased wind speeds and air circulation, which could lead to new desert areas and reduce agricultural yields.

Meeting ozone in everyday life

Sometimes after rain, especially in the summer, the air becomes unusually fresh and pleasant, and people say that it “smells like ozone.” This is not a figurative wording at all. In fact, some part of the ozone reaches the lower layers of the atmosphere with air currents. This type of gas is considered the so-called beneficial ozone, which brings a feeling of extraordinary freshness to the atmosphere. Mostly such phenomena are observed after thunderstorms.

However, there is also a very harmful type of ozone that is extremely dangerous for people. It is produced by exhaust gases and industrial emissions, and when exposed to the sun's rays, it enters into a photochemical reaction. As a result, the formation of so-called ground-level ozone occurs, which is extremely harmful to human health.

Substances that destroy the ozone layer: the effect of freons

Scientists have proven that freons, which are used en masse to charge refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as numerous aerosol cans, cause the destruction of the ozone layer. Thus, it turns out that almost every person has a hand in the destruction of the ozone layer.

The causes of ozone holes are that freon molecules react with ozone molecules. Solar radiation causes freons to release chlorine. As a result, ozone splits, resulting in the formation of atomic and ordinary oxygen. In places where such interactions occur, the problem of ozone depletion occurs and ozone holes occur.

Of course, the greatest harm to the ozone layer is caused by industrial emissions, but the household use of preparations that contain freon, one way or another, also has an impact on the destruction of ozone.

Protecting the ozone layer

After scientists documented that the ozone layer is still being destroyed and ozone holes appear, politicians began to think about preserving it. Consultations and meetings have been held around the world on these issues. Representatives of all states with well-developed industry took part in them.

Thus, in 1985, the Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer was adopted. Representatives from forty-four conference participating states signed this document. A year later, another important document was signed, called the Montreal Protocol. In accordance with its provisions, there should have been a significant restriction of the global production and consumption of substances that lead to the destruction of the ozone layer.

However, some states were unwilling to submit to such restrictions. Then, specific quotas for dangerous emissions into the atmosphere were determined for each state.

Protection of the ozone layer in Russia

In accordance with current Russian legislation, the legal protection of the ozone layer is one of the most important and priority areas. Legislation related to environmental protection regulates a list of protective measures aimed at protecting this natural object from various types of damage, pollution, destruction and depletion. Thus, Article 56 of the Legislation describes some activities related to the protection of the planet’s ozone layer:

  • Organizations for monitoring the effect of the ozone hole;
  • Continued control over climate change;
  • Strict compliance with the regulatory framework on harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • Regulating the production of chemical compounds that destroy the ozone layer;
  • Application of penalties and punishments for violation of the law.

Possible solutions and first results

You should know that ozone holes are not a permanent phenomenon. With a reduction in the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, a gradual tightening of ozone holes begins - ozone molecules from neighboring areas are activated. However, at the same time, another risk factor arises - neighboring areas are deprived of a significant amount of ozone, the layers become thinner.

Scientists around the world continue to engage in research and are intimidated by bleak conclusions. They calculated that if the presence of ozone decreased by just 1% in the upper atmosphere, there would be an increase in skin cancer of up to 3-6%. Moreover, a large number of ultraviolet rays will negatively affect people's immune system. They will become more vulnerable to a wide variety of infections.

It is possible that this may actually explain the fact that in the 21st century the number of malignant tumors is increasing. Increasing levels of ultraviolet radiation also negatively affect nature. The destruction of cells in plants occurs, the process of mutation begins, as a result of which less oxygen is produced.

Will humanity cope with the challenges ahead?

According to the latest statistics, humanity is facing a global catastrophe. However, science also has optimistic reports. After the adoption of the Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, all of humanity became involved in the problem of preserving the ozone layer. Following the development of a number of prohibitive and protective measures, the situation was slightly stabilized. Thus, some researchers argue that if all of humanity engages in industrial production within reasonable limits, the problem of ozone holes can be successfully solved.

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Earth is the only planet in solar system, on which there is life. The existence of living organisms is possible because the planet is protected from deadly solar radiation by the ozone layer, located in the stratosphere (10 - 50 km from the planetary surface). Ozone is a bluish gas whose molecule consists of three oxygen atoms. Its name translated from Greek means “smelling”. Indeed, after taking a deep breath of air, you can feel how the gas smells.

Without the ozone layer, the planet will literally burn up under the ultraviolet influence of the Sun. However, humanity has never learned to be grateful for the opportunity to live on Earth. Ozone holes have always existed on the planet. They appear and disappear for natural reasons. However, as a result of anthropogenic activities, there is a dangerous expansion of areas of the atmosphere unprotected by ozone, due to which the Earth is becoming increasingly exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

What are ozone holes?

Do not think that the ozone hole is a space in the atmosphere completely devoid of protective gas. In fact, ozone is present in this area, but in lower concentrations. Through such a section of the atmosphere, it is easier for ultraviolet radiation to reach the earth's surface. Within the ozone hole, blue gas concentrations can be as low as 30% of normal.

Ozone hole over Antarctica

The first and largest ozone hole, reaching 1000 km in diameter, was discovered in 1985 over Antarctica. The gas concentration in this space was 50% below normal, and the greatest depletion of the ozone layer was observed at a distance of 15–20 km from the planetary surface.

The hole over the southern polar region is characterized by seasonal appearance and disappearance. A significant decrease in gas concentration is observed at the end of winter and early spring (in the southern hemisphere this is August and September). This phenomenon is due to the peculiarities of the subpolar climate.

During the Antarctic winter, a vortex is formed due to a decrease in air temperature. The air mass within the vortex circulates around south pole. Mixing with air masses of other latitudes is weak or absent altogether. During the polar winter, the planetary surface is deprived of sunlight, and the formation of ozone is stopped. And the gas accumulated in the summer is gradually destroyed, since the molecules of the substance are not stable. When the polar night ends and the Antarctic summer returns, the ozone concentration begins to slowly increase and reaches its maximum value by the end of summer.

View from space

A similar seasonal hole, but not as large, is located above the Northern Arctic Ocean. Smaller formations are being identified by researchers around the globe.

Causes of ozone layer depletion

The reasons for the depletion of the ozone layer are two types of factors:

  • natural (natural processes that cause air pollution);
  • anthropogenic (caused by human influence).

The natural cause of the emergence of areas with low ozone concentrations is processes occurring in the circumpolar regions of the planet. According to scientific theory, during polar nights, when no ozone is produced in the atmosphere due to the lack of solar radiation, chlorine clouds form. Chlorine, which forms the basis of the cloud mass, has a destructive effect on the ozone remaining in the stratosphere.

The resulting hole is closed as soon as the polar day arrives; solar ultraviolet radiation interacts with oxygen molecules. The resulting blue gas, a concentrated version of oxygen, rises into the stratosphere. This theory shows that the thinning and renewal of the ozone layer is a continuous natural process that has always existed.

It also affects the formation of ozone holes in the atmosphere. When volcanoes explode, combustion products are released into the air, which have a destructive effect on ozone molecules.

However, in recent decades, the destruction of the ozone layer has become alarming due to anthropogenic impact. Ozone is an unstable gas. It is destroyed due to increased emissions of chlorine, bromine, hydrogen, freons and other chemical compounds entering the atmosphere as a result of human activity, creating the greenhouse effect.

The main sources of atmospheric pollution:

  • plants and factories that are not equipped or insufficiently equipped with treatment plants;
  • mineral fertilizers applied to cultivated lands;
  • jet planes;
  • nuclear explosions.

When flying a jet air transport As a result of fuel combustion in turbines, nitrogen oxides are released into the airspace. Once in the stratosphere, they destroy blue gas molecules. Today, 1/3 of nitrogen oxide emissions comes from air transport.

Nuclear testing was banned by the UN in 1996, but the resulting ecological problem still exists. During a nuclear explosion, a gigantic amount of nitrogen oxides was formed, destroying the ozone layer. Over the 20 years during which nuclear tests were carried out, more than 3 million tons of nitrogen compounds spread into the atmosphere.

Mineral fertilizers, getting into the soil and interacting with soil microorganisms, are also converted into nitrogen oxides through complex chemical reactions.

Consequences of ozone holes

A decrease in the ozone layer leads to increased exposure to solar radiation on the planet's surface. Solar radiation without an ozone shield poses a mortal danger to living organisms.

The main consequence of the destruction of the Earth's ozone layer will be the extinction of all representatives of the animal and flora. Already today, scientists are noticing the massive death of marine planktonic species and deep-sea inhabitants due to the increased negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

As for the impact on humans, an increase in solar radiation negatively affects the condition of the skin and causes an increase in cases of melanoma - skin cancer. If the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth increases, the incidence of other oncological pathologies will also increase. So, if the level of blue gas in the stratosphere decreases by another 1%, then the number of cancer patients will increase by 7 thousand per year.

Ways to solve the problem

Since the main culprit in the destruction of the planet’s ozone layer is human activity, normalizing the state of the atmosphere requires the creation of new production and operation technologies aimed at significantly reducing and even eliminating emissions of freons and other harmful compounds.

To prevent the appearance of ozone holes, you need:

  • improvement of cleaning structures on factory pipes;
  • reducing the use of mineral fertilizers;
  • the creation of vehicles that run not on combustible fuel, but on electricity and other energy sources.

Such preventive measures have a positive effect, but, according to environmentalists, measures to restore the ozone layer are much more effective. This refers to the spraying of artificially synthesized gas by special flying devices at an altitude of 10–30 km above the earth’s surface. This method will allow you to quickly patch up holes in the atmosphere, but it is not without its drawbacks. The first problem is the high cost of the event (it is economically feasible only with the joint participation of several states). The second problem is that delivering synthetic ozone to the spray site is difficult and dangerous for the carrier.

In 1985, the Vienna Convection on the protection of the ozone layer was adopted. In 1987, the Montreal Protocol was created, which lists the most harmful volatile substances that appear in the airspace as a result of human activity. Participating countries pledged to reduce emissions of these substances and eliminate them by the beginning of the 21st century.

The results of the international agreement are visible. The area of ​​ozone holes has decreased in different parts planets, including over Antarctica. The world community continues to seriously struggle with the problem: environmentally friendly vehicles, industrial and agricultural production technologies are being improved.

Ozone layer depletion

The ozone layer is a part of the stratosphere at an altitude of 12 to 50 km, in which, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun, oxygen (O 2) is ionized, acquiring a third oxygen atom, and ozone (O 3) is obtained. The relatively high concentration of ozone (about 8 ml/m³) absorbs dangerous ultraviolet rays and protects everything living on land from harmful radiation. Moreover, if it were not for the ozone layer, life would not have been able to escape from the oceans at all and highly developed life forms such as mammals, including humans, would not have arisen. The highest density of ozone occurs at an altitude of 20 km, the largest part in the total volume is at an altitude of 40 km. If all the ozone in the atmosphere could be extracted and compressed under normal pressure, the result would be a layer covering the surface of the Earth only 3 mm thick. For comparison, the entire atmosphere compressed under normal pressure would constitute a layer of 8 km.

Ozone is an active gas and can have adverse effects on humans. Usually its concentration in the lower atmosphere is insignificant and it does not have a harmful effect on humans. Large quantities ozone is formed in major cities with heavy traffic as a result of photochemical transformations of vehicle exhaust gases.

Ozone also regulates the harshness of cosmic radiation. If this gas is at least partially destroyed, then naturally the hardness of the radiation increases sharply, and, consequently, real changes in the flora and fauna occur.

It has already been proven that the absence or low concentration of ozone can or leads to cancer, which has the worst impact on humanity and its ability to reproduce.

Causes of ozone layer depletion

The ozone layer protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The ozone layer has been found to undergo a slight but constant weakening over some areas over many years Globe, including densely populated areas in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. A large ozone hole has been discovered over Antarctica.

Ozone destruction occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, cosmic rays, and certain gases: nitrogen, chlorine and bromine compounds, and chlorofluorocarbons (freons). Human activities that lead to the destruction of the ozone layer are of greatest concern. Therefore, many countries have signed an international agreement to reduce the production of ozone-depleting substances.

Many reasons have been suggested for the weakening of the ozone shield.

Firstly, these are space rocket launches. Burning fuel “burns” large holes in the ozone layer. It was once assumed that these “holes” were closing. It turned out not. They have been around for quite a long time.

Secondly, airplanes. Especially those flying at altitudes of 12-15 km. The steam and other substances they emit destroy ozone. But, at the same time, aircraft flying below 12 km. They give an increase in ozone. In cities it is one of the components of photochemical smog. Thirdly, it is chlorine and its compounds with oxygen. Great amount(up to 700 thousand tons) of this gas enters the atmosphere, primarily from the decomposition of freons. Freons are gases that do not enter into any chemical reactions at the surface of the Earth, boil at room temperature, and therefore sharply increase their volume, which makes them good atomizers. Since their temperature decreases as they expand, freons are widely used in the refrigeration industry.

Every year the amount of freons in the earth's atmosphere increases by 8-9%. They gradually rise upward into the stratosphere and, under the influence of sunlight, become active - they enter into photochemical reactions, releasing atomic chlorine. Each particle of chlorine can destroy hundreds and thousands of ozone molecules.

On February 9, 2004, news appeared on the website of the NASA Earth Institute that scientists at Harvard University had found a molecule that destroys ozone. Scientists called this molecule "chlorine monoxide dimer" because it is made up of two molecules of chlorine monoxide. The dimer only exists in the particularly cold stratosphere over the polar regions when chlorine monoxide levels are relatively high. This molecule comes from chlorofluorocarbons. The dimer causes ozone destruction by absorbing sunlight and breaking down into two chlorine atoms and an oxygen molecule. Free chlorine atoms begin to interact with ozone molecules, leading to a decrease in its amount.

Consequences of ozone layer depletion

The occurrence of “ozone holes” (a seasonal decrease in ozone content by half or more) was first observed in the late 70s over Antarctica. In subsequent years, the duration of existence and the area of ​​​​ozone holes grew, and by now they have already captured the southern regions of Australia, Chile and Argentina. In parallel, although with some delay, the process of ozone depletion over the Northern Hemisphere developed. In the early 90s, a 20-25% decrease was observed over Scandinavia, the Baltic states and the northwestern regions of Russia. In latitudinal zones other than the subpolar ones, ozone depletion is less pronounced; however, even here it is statistically significant (1.5-6.2% over the last decade).

Depletion of the ozone layer can have a significant impact on the ecology of the world's oceans. Many of its systems are already stressed by existing levels of natural UV radiation, and increasing its intensity could be catastrophic for some of them. As a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation in aquatic organisms, adaptive behavior (orientation and migration) is disrupted, photosynthesis and enzymatic reactions are suppressed, as well as the processes of reproduction and development, especially in the early stages. Since the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation of different components of aquatic ecosystems varies significantly, as a result of the destruction of stratospheric ozone, one should expect not only a decrease in the total biomass, but also a change in the structure of aquatic ecosystems. Under these conditions, beneficial sensitive forms can die and be displaced, and resistant, toxic to the environment, such as blue-green algae, can multiply.

The efficiency of aquatic food chains is decisively determined by the productivity of their initial link - phytoplankton. Calculations show that in the case of 25% destruction of stratospheric ozone, a 35% decrease in primary productivity in the surface layers of the ocean and a 10% decrease in the entire photosynthetic layer should be expected. The significance of the predicted changes becomes obvious when we consider that phytoplankton utilize more than half of carbon dioxide through global photosynthesis, and just a 10th reduction in the rate of this process is equivalent to doubling carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere as a result of burning minerals. In addition, ultraviolet radiation suppresses the production of dimethyl sulfide by phytoplankton, which plays an important role in the formation of clouds. The last two phenomena can cause long-term changes in global climate and sea levels.

From biological objects of secondary links in aquatic food chains, ultraviolet radiation can directly affect eggs and fry of fish, larvae of shrimp, oysters and crabs, as well as other small animals. In conditions of depletion of stratospheric ozone, the growth and death of commercial fish fry and, in addition, a decrease in catch as a result of a decrease in the primary productivity of the World Ocean are predicted.

Unlike aquatic organisms, higher plants can partially adapt to an increase in the intensity of natural ultraviolet radiation, however, under conditions of a 10-20% reduction in the ozone layer, they experience growth inhibition, a decrease in productivity, and changes in composition that reduce nutritional value. Sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation can vary significantly between plants different types, and in different lines of the same species. Cultures zoned in southern regions, more resistant compared to those zoned in temperate zones.

A very important, albeit mediocre, role in shaping the productivity of agricultural plants is played by soil microorganisms, which have a significant impact on soil fertility. In this sense, of particular interest are phototrophic cyanobacteria that live in the uppermost layers of soil and are capable of utilizing air nitrogen and then using it by plants in the process of photosynthesis. These microorganisms (especially in rice fields) are directly exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Radiation can inactivate the key enzyme of nitrogen assimilation - nitrogenase. Thus, as a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, a decrease in soil fertility should be expected. It is also very likely that other beneficial forms of soil microorganisms sensitive to ultraviolet radiation will be displaced and die off, and resistant forms will multiply, some of which may turn out to be pathogenic.

For humans, natural ultraviolet radiation is a risk factor even in the existing state of the ozone layer. Reactions to its impact are varied and contradictory. Some of them (formation by vitamin D, increase in general nonspecific resistance, healing effect for some skin diseases) improves health, others (skin and eye burns, skin aging, cataract and carcinogenesis) worsen it.

A typical reaction to eye overexposure is the occurrence of photokeratoconjunctivitis - acute inflammation of the outer membranes of the eye (cornea and conjunctiva). It usually develops in conditions of intense reflection of sunlight from natural surfaces (snowy highlands, arctic and desert areas) and is accompanied by pain or the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation, photophobia and spasm of the eyelids. An eye burn can occur within 2 hours in snowy areas and within 6 to 8 hours in a sandy desert.

Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the eye can cause cataracts, corneal and retinal degeneration, pterygia (growth of conjunctival tissue) and uveal melanoma. Although all of these diseases are very dangerous, the most common is cataracts, which usually develop without visible changes to the cornea. The increase in the incidence of cataracts is considered the main consequence of stratospheric ozone depletion in relation to the eye.

As a result of overexposure of the skin, aseptic inflammation, or erythema, develops, accompanied, in addition to pain, by changes in the thermal and sensory sensitivity of the skin, suppression of sweating and deterioration of the general condition. In temperate latitudes, erythema can be obtained in half an hour in the open sun in the middle of a summer day. Typically, erythema develops with a latent period of 1–8 hours and persists for about a day. The value of the minimum erythema dose increases with increasing degree of skin pigmentation.

An important contribution to the carcinogenic effect of ultraviolet radiation is its immunosuppressive effect. Of 2 existing types immunity - humoral and cellular, only the latter is suppressed as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Factors of humoral immunity either remain indifferent or, in the case of chronic irradiation in small doses, are activated, contributing to an increase in general nonspecific resistance. In addition to reducing the ability to reject skin cancer cells (aggression against other types of cancer cells does not change), ultraviolet radiation-induced immunosuppression can suppress skin allergic reactions, reduce resistance to infectious agents, and also change the course and outcome of some infectious diseases.

Natural ultraviolet radiation is responsible for the bulk of skin tumors, the incidence of which in the white population is close to the total incidence of all other types of tumors combined. Existing tumors are divided into two types: non-melanoma (basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas) and malignant melanoma. Tumors of the first type predominate quantitatively, weakly metastasize and are easily cured. The frequency of melanomas is relatively low, but they grow quickly, metastasize early and have a high mortality rate. As with erythema, skin cancer is characterized by a clear inverse correlation between the effectiveness of irradiation and the degree of skin pigmentation. The frequency of skin tumors in the black population is more than 60 times lower, in the Hispanic population - 7 - 10 times lower than in the white population in the same latitudinal zone, with almost the same frequency of tumors other than skin cancer. In addition to the degree of pigmentation, risk factors for skin cancer include the presence of moles, age spots and freckles, poor tanning ability, blue eyes and red hair.

Ultraviolet radiation plays an important role in providing the body with vitamin D, which regulates the process of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets and caries, and also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the representative gland, which causes high mortality.

The role of ultraviolet radiation in providing the body with vitamin D cannot be compensated only by consuming it with food, since the process of biosynthesis of vitamin D in the skin is self-regulating and eliminates the possibility of hypervitaminosis. This disease causes calcium deposits in various tissues of the body with their subsequent necrotic degeneration.

If vitamin D deficiency occurs, a dose of ultraviolet radiation is required, amounting to approximately 60 minimum erythema doses per year to exposed areas of the body. For white people in temperate latitudes, this corresponds to half an hour of midday sun exposure every day from May to August. The intensity of vitamin D synthesis decreases with an increase in the degree of pigmentation; among representatives of different ethnic groups it can differ by more than an order of magnitude. As a result, skin pigmentation may be a cause of vitamin D deficiency in non-white immigrants in temperate and northern latitudes.

The currently observed increase in the degree of depletion of the ozone layer indicates the inadequacy of efforts being made to protect it.

Ways to solve the problem of ozone layer depletion

Awareness of the danger leads to the fact that the international community is taking more and more steps to protect the ozone layer. Let's look at some of them.

  • 1) Creation of various organizations for the protection of the ozone layer (UNEP, COSPAR, MAGA)
  • 2) Holding conferences.
  • a) Vienna Conference (September 1987). The Montreal Protocol was discussed and signed there:
    • - the need for constant monitoring of the production, sale, and use of substances most dangerous to ozone (freons, bromine-containing compounds, etc.)
    • - the use of chlorofluorocarbons compared to the 1986 level should be reduced by 20% by 1993 and halved by 1998.
  • b) At the beginning of 1990. scientists came to the conclusion that the restrictions of the Montreal Protocol were insufficient and proposals were made to completely stop production and emissions into the atmosphere already in 1991-1992. those freons that are limited by the Montreal Protocol.

The problem of preserving the ozone layer is one of the global problems of humanity. Therefore, it is discussed at many forums at various levels, up to Russian-American summit meetings.

We can only believe that a deep awareness of the danger threatening humanity will prompt the governments of all countries to adopt necessary measures to reduce emissions of substances harmful to ozone.

Standardization of environmental quality. The purpose of rationing. Characteristics of sanitary and hygienic standards of the air environment.

The introduction of state standards for the quality of the natural environment and the establishment of a procedure for regulating the impact of economic and other activities on the environment are among the most important functions of state management of natural resources and environmental protection.

Environmental quality standards are established to assess the state of atmospheric air, water, and soil according to chemical, physical and biological characteristics. This means that if in the atmospheric air, water or soil the content of, for example, a chemical substance does not exceed the corresponding standard for its maximum permissible concentration, then the state of the air or soil is favorable, i.e. not posing a danger to human health and other living organisms.

The role of standards in the formation of information about the quality of the natural environment is that some provide an assessment of the environmental environment, while others limit the sources of harmful effects on it.

According to the Law “On Environmental Protection,” environmental quality regulation aims to establish scientifically based maximum permissible standards for environmental impact, guaranteeing environmental safety and protecting public health, ensuring the prevention of environmental pollution, reproduction and rational use of natural resources.

The introduction of environmental standards allows us to solve the following problems:

  • 1) Standards allow us to determine the degree of human impact on the environment. Environmental monitoring is based not only on observing nature. This observation must be objective; it must, using technical indicators, determine the degree of pollution of air, water, etc.
  • 2) Standards allow government agencies to exercise control over the activities of natural resource users. Environmental control is manifested in analyzing the level of environmental pollution and determining its permissible value in accordance with established standards.
  • 3) Environmental standards serve as the basis for the application of liability measures in cases of exceeding them. Often, environmental standards serve as the only criterion for bringing the guilty party to justice.

Standards in the field of environmental protection are established standards for environmental quality and standards for permissible impact on it, the observance of which ensures the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and preserves biological diversity. It is carried out for the purpose of state regulation of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment, guaranteeing the preservation of a favorable environment and ensuring environmental safety.

Standardization in the field of environmental protection consists of establishing:

  • 1) environmental quality standards - standards that are established in accordance with physical, chemical, biological and other indicators for assessing the state of the environment and, if observed, ensure a favorable environment;
  • 2) standards for permissible impact on the environment when carrying out economic and other activities - standards that are established in accordance with the indicators of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment and in which environmental quality standards are observed;
  • 3) other standards in the field of environmental protection, such as:
    • * standards for permissible anthropogenic load on the environment - standards that are established in accordance with the magnitude of the permissible cumulative impact of all sources on the environment and (or) individual components of the natural environment within specific territories and (or) water areas, and when observed, sustainable operation is ensured natural ecological systems and conserve biological diversity;
    • * standards for permissible emissions and discharges of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms (standards for permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms) - standards that are established for economic and other entities in accordance with the mass indicators of chemical substances, including radioactive and other substances and microorganisms that are permissible for release into the environment from stationary, mobile and other sources in the established mode and taking into account technological standards, and in compliance with which environmental quality standards are ensured;
    • * technological standard - a standard for permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, which is established for stationary, mobile and other sources, technological processes, equipment and reflects the permissible mass of emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms into the environment per unit of output;
    • * standards for maximum permissible concentrations of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms - standards that are established in accordance with the maximum permissible content of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms in the environment and non-compliance with which may lead to environmental pollution, degradation of natural ecological systems;
    • * standards of permissible physical impacts - standards that are established in accordance with the levels of permissible impact of physical factors on the environment and, subject to which, environmental quality standards are ensured.

In addition, regulation of environmental quality is carried out using technical regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection.

Standards and regulations in the field of environmental protection are developed, approved and put into effect on the basis of modern achievements of science and technology, taking into account international rules and standards in the field of environmental protection.

Standards and methods for their determination are approved by environmental authorities and sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. As production, science and technology develop, regulation in ecology develops and improves. When developing regulations, international environmental norms and standards are taken into account.

If quality standards are violated, emissions, discharges and other harmful impacts may be limited, suspended, or terminated. Instructions for this are given by state authorities in the field of environmental protection and sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

Sanitary and hygienic standards.

To take into account the impact of chemical pollution on human health, various international and national standards, or guidelines, have been introduced. The pollution standard is the maximum concentration of a substance in the environment allowed by regulations. Sanitary and hygienic standards are a set of indicators of the sanitary and hygienic state of environmental components (air, water, soil, etc.), determined by the magnitude of their pollution levels, the non-exceeding of which ensures normal living conditions and health safety.

Federal Law dated March 30, 1999. No. 52-FZ (as amended on December 22, 2008) “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” established that sanitary rules and regulations are mandatory for compliance by all government bodies, public associations, business entities, officials and citizens. Sanitary and epidemiological rules apply throughout Russia.

Sanitary and hygienic pollution standards are used to manage environmental quality, which helps reduce their impact on human health and morbidity to an acceptable level.

WHO standards are the most widespread in the world. In our country, maximum permissible concentrations (MACs), which determine the maximum level of presence of chemical pollutants in air, water or soil, have received the status of state standards in this area.

Maximum permissible concentration (MAC) is a sanitary and hygienic standard, defined as the maximum concentration of chemicals in air, water and soil, which, with periodic exposure or throughout life, does not have a harmful effect on the health of a person and his offspring. There are maximum one-time and average daily maximum permissible concentrations, maximum permissible concentrations for a work area (premises) or for a residential area. Moreover, the maximum permissible concentration for a residential area is set less than for a working area.

Standards for maximum permissible levels of noise, vibration, magnetic fields and other physical impacts are established at a level that ensures the preservation of people's health and ability to work, the protection of flora and fauna, and favorable working conditions.

Sanitary standards for the permissible noise level in residential areas establish that it should not exceed 60 decibels, and at night - from 23 to 7 o'clock - 45 decibels. For sanatorium and resort areas, these standards are 40 and 30 decibels, respectively.

For residential areas, the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities have substantiated and approved permissible levels of vibration and electromagnetic influences.

Other regulated physical effects include thermal effects. Its main sources are energy, energy-intensive industries, and household services. The adopted Rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by wastewater establish standards for thermal impact on water bodies. In the source of household, drinking and cultural water supply, the summer water temperature should not exceed the temperature of the hottest month by more than 3° Celsius, in fishery reservoirs - be no more than 5° Celsius above the natural water temperature.

The Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" requires the determination of maximum permissible impact standards for each source of pollution. Definition of maximum permissible concentration is an expensive and long-term medical-biological and sanitary-hygienic procedure. Currently, the total number of substances for which MPCs have been determined exceeds one thousand, while the harmful substances with which a person deals throughout his life are an order of magnitude greater.

The ozone layer is part of the atmosphere that protects our planet and its inhabitants from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation emanating from the Sun. In areas with low ozone levels, there is an increase in skin diseases and a decrease in the ability of plants to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Depletion of the ozone layer as a global environmental problem has long worried scientists. Let's look at what causes it and what its consequences are.

Containment depletion

The ozone layer is located at an altitude of 30 km from the Earth's surface. It performs a protective function and absorbs excess ultraviolet radiation, due to which the inhabitants of the planet receive a dosed portion that is safe for health.

In the late 60s, scientists discovered that emissions from rockets and airplanes and combustion products negatively affect the ozone layer and partially destroy it. Then ozone holes were discovered - in areas there was a sharp decrease in the concentration of the protective substance. Their appearance was accompanied by outbreaks of skin cancer in people living in these regions.

Ozone holes can change location. The largest hole in area was first discovered in Antarctica, then they were observed over Canada, Yakutia, and Greenland.

Over the past 25 years, the amount of ozone in the atmosphere has decreased by about 5%.

Reasons for integrity violation

To date, scientists have not fully established the reasons causing the destruction of the ozone layer. There are hypotheses that ozone is destroyed by freons and nitrogen oxides - they are formed as a result of human activity.

There are three main versions of the negative impact of anthropogenic nature:

  • chlorofluorocarbons - arise during the production and operation of household appliances, chemical products and cosmetics;
  • emission of gases from jet engines of rockets and aircraft;
  • deforestation and forest fires;
  • flights at high altitude - 25 km.

There is a version about the natural nature of the formation of ozone holes. These include:

  1. Polar night - the protective layer of the Earth is destroyed by the cold. It is especially vulnerable during periods when temperatures drop to low levels and the sun does not appear for a long time.
  2. Polar vortexes cause chemical reactions in the stratosphere that destroy the ozone layer.
  3. Mother-of-pearl clouds are condensation formations that arise in the lower layers of the stratosphere. They have the same effect as polar vortexes.

If there are natural causes of destruction of the ozone layer, anthropogenic factors cause much greater harm to it.


Human life is unthinkable without refrigerators, air conditioners, and fire extinguishers. Cosmetic companies regularly release body and hair products in aerosol cans. These things are united by one component - freon.

It is a saturated hydrocarbon containing fluorine, a derivative of methane and ethane. It is used in everyday life and industry - coolants in air conditioners and refrigerators, paint in spray cans.

Freons are non-toxic, but can easily move under the influence of air currents. Thus, they enter the stratosphere, where they disintegrate under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Substances released during the decomposition process enter into chemical reactions, as a result of which the ozone concentration begins to decrease.

Chlorofluorocarbons are considered the main cause of ozone layer destruction. Their decay takes from 20 to 120 years. These substances do not return to the earth with acid rain - they linger in the atmosphere and steadily destroy ozone.

In 1987, several countries signed the Montreal Protocol. Its main theme is the ban on substances that destroy ozone. The protocol contains a list of them. It limits the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances. IN this moment Many enterprises use new generation refrigerants that have virtually no effect on the integrity of ozone.

Impact of air transport

Exhaust gases from air transport make a certain contribution to the formation of ozone holes. Nitrogen oxides, which are formed during fuel combustion, react with ozone in the stratosphere, destroying it.

The launch of rocket launchers has a negative impact on the protective shell of the planet. During the launch of a spacecraft, a hole with a diameter of up to 2000 km appears in the atmosphere. It disappears only after an hour and a half. During this period, the integrity of the ozone layer is compromised. The most dangerous launches are reusable systems such as the Shuttle.

According to approximate calculations by scientists, launching 125 similar missiles simultaneously can completely destroy the ozone layer. Stratospheric aviation has a similar effect on the protective layer - supersonic aircraft They emit large amounts of nitrogen oxides and sulfuric acid. These substances destroy ozone.

Ways to solve the problem

Depletion of the ozone layer is considered a global environmental problem. Since the signing of the Montreal Protocol, the first steps have been taken to preserve the integrity of the planet's protective shell.

The first point is a ban on the release of freons.

Then the Vienna Convention was approved. Its provisions provide for the protection of the ozone layer and the prevention of its destruction. These include the following points:

  • joint research between countries on what causes negative changes in the ozone layer;
  • regular monitoring of his condition;
  • creating technologies that can reduce damage to the ozone layer;
  • strict control of activities that cause holes;
  • exchange of knowledge and technology.

According to the protocol, countries are obliged to reduce the production of chlorofluorocarbons or completely abandon it.

A serious problem was the replacement of freon in refrigeration units. Developments required huge cash injections, which resulted in a freon crisis. Over time, scientists have identified substances that can be safely used instead of freon.

There are other ways to reduce the negative impact on the protective screen:

  • replacement of transport fuels with environmentally friendly and safe options;
  • use of alternative energy sources;
  • helping nature in the natural restoration of ozone - minimizing deforestation and active tree planting;
  • manual replenishment - spraying artificially created ozone in special factories in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

Many radical solutions to the problem face an obstacle in the form of huge costs for their implementation. Most developed and tested projects are postponed due to lack of funds.

Depletion of the ozone layer is a serious problem. Ozone holes lead to an increase in solar radiation activity, which negatively affects the inhabitants of the planet - people, animals, plants and microorganisms. If ozone concentration decreases by even 1%, the number of skin cancer cases will increase sharply. For this reason, scientists are taking measures to preserve the integrity of the ozone shell and developing environmentally friendly mechanisms.