How to travel around the world without money. Stories of crazy travelers. A few simple rules that will help you travel around the world without going broke. Is it possible to travel around the world?

In seven years, Ulyanovsk resident Robert Kichigin managed to visit more than 20 countries! His income does not stand out from the Ulyanovsk salary statistics: 15,000 rubles per month. During the holiday season and the tourist itch, Robert gives practical advice about how to visit the most interesting countries peace and not be left without pants.

Independent travel

It all started with bus tours. I have always had a dream: to see Paris and... not die, but also see Barcelona. Because at that time these were my two favorite cities. I went to Europe once, then a second time. And with each of my trips I gained more and more experience on how not to spend too much and relax with more pleasure.

Of course, you need to remember that the only thing, or rather who, you can save on is only on yourself. Saved finances are a loss of your comfort or time. It’s much easier to give away a tidy sum and not think about anything. Well, here everyone decides for himself. For the last 2-3 years I have been trying to travel on my own. I see much more benefits from such trips. And not only monetary ones.

Of course, you need to remember that the only thing, or rather who, you can save on is only on yourself.

To be able to save money while traveling to another country, you need to have some skills: be able to navigate the Internet, know foreign languages ​​- the more the better, be topographically adequate. But the main thing is not to be afraid of anything!

So, let's start in order.

Ibiza Island


I buy them online. In the West, everyone has long been using only electronic tickets. It's simple and convenient. In addition, you can save a lot of money if you seize the moment. Western companies constantly have some kind of promotions to fill the plane. Now, for example, I am going to Brazil. The average cost of a flight is 51,000 rubles.

But in April Emirates airline reduced prices by 50% and I bought a ticket at half the price. This happens very often. A flight from Moscow to Lisbon and back cost me 11,000 rubles. For comparison: a plane ticket from Ulyanovsk to Sochi will cost 19,000. Also take into account the level of service of foreign airlines.

Of course, you need to understand that cheap flights, as a rule, are connecting and involve an overnight stay at the airport, but if it is large, being there is a pleasure. For example, Frankfurt Airport. It would take all night to get around it completely. And in Munich at night there is no one at the airport. At all. I felt like I was in King’s book about the Langoliers: laptops left on the counters, not a soul around. Like in a lost world. To be honest, it was a little creepy.

A flight from Moscow to Lisbon and back cost me 11,000 rubles. For comparison: a plane ticket from Ulyanovsk to Sochi will cost 19,000.

Available in connecting flights and one more plus. Can see more countries and cities. I flew to Malta via Rome. The ticket cost only 7,100. I walked around the central streets all night and found the Colosseum on my own. The romance is extraordinary.

On the shore Aegean Sea. Crete 2011


It is also better to book them yourself. Type “hotel booking” into Google and look for the desired city and date. Of course, you will have to spend time searching and comparing prices on websites. When you book a hotel room online for the first time, there is a feeling of fear. Everything is virtual; in fact, there are no documents on hand. You think: “What if I arrive and they just won’t let me live?” But this tension subsides once you use this system a couple of times.

I always choose inexpensive hotels: two or three stars. Of course, if you have money and a desire to show off, you can take more expensive ones. And so - there is no point. The rooms are very clean and comfortable, especially in European countries. Young people generally live in hostels - rooms for 8-10 people. And it's not just about saving. Guys and girls from different countries get to know each other and have fun. Plus, this is an excellent opportunity for language practice.

Room in a budget hotel in the center of Lisbon

But I’m still not ready for such feats. I need personal space. I once lived in a room with a Finn and Slovaks. In the evening, some decided to drink beer, another turned on a movie at full volume. I didn’t know what to do with myself, and I completely left the room. He returned late, when everyone had fallen asleep. That's why I try to rent a room for one person. So that I can do what I want without looking back. Take a bath for three hours, for example, or walk around the room in anything.

The rooms are very clean and comfortable, especially in European countries. Young people generally live in hostels - rooms for 8-10 people.

When you travel on your own, you need to remember that there is no transfer, you get from the airport to the hotel yourself. Therefore, it is better to look in advance on the map where exactly your hotel is located. It seems that everything is simple - but there are also difficulties here. This year, when I arrived in Malta, I spent three hours looking for my hotel. Theoretically, it exists, but it is nowhere to be found. None of the local residents could tell me his whereabouts.

I was already getting ready to go to the airport to spend the night. I was tired and very nervous. It turned out that this hotel is known in the city as a bar. Everyone knew that there was a bar "Roma", but no one could tell me where the hotel with this name was located. I've walked past this building five times! We must be prepared for anything.

Roman time – 3 hours 45 minutes

Trips out of season

I usually go out of season. At this time, everything is very cheap: accommodation and excursions. A hotel in Malta cost me 170 euros for 10 days. Of course, with breakfast. In general, if you go specifically to see the country, and not just bask in the sun, then off-season trips are ideal. There are not many people, there is no such fuss or crowd, you can calmly enjoy your stay in the country. Yes, temperatures in hot countries will be lower than during the peak season. Not 35, but, say, 20 degrees. But when it’s -5 in Russia, such a difference will also be pleasant.

But when I went on excursions in Portugal, I was greeted as the most important guest - they didn’t have a single visitor during the day, and everyone was happy to pay attention to me. During the season, with a huge flow of tourists, no one would bother with me like that.


Public transport is quite expensive, especially in Europe. But you can buy ticket for 10 trips, it will cost you 30% less. True, you also need to calculate everything. One time I bought tourist map, through which he could travel around the city and attend excursions for free. Then, just for fun, I did the math: with this card I didn’t save, but even overpaid by 13 euros. There is no ideal option. It is very difficult to save money always and everywhere. Somewhere you will still get into trouble and spend more than you could.

In order not to spend too much, you also need basic awareness. One day I almost missed a plane. I'm standing at the train station in Rome to go to the airport. You can get there either by bus for 8 euros, but it runs rarely, or by express train, which runs every half hour, but is more expensive (ticket price is 14 euros). I've been standing for an hour or two. As a result, I never waited for the bus. I had to take the express train, and even pay for the fact that one cunning Indian helped me buy a ticket. It turned out that I was standing at the wrong stop; I should have walked a little further. But I found out about this only later.

Famous trams in Lisbon

and the Freddie Mercury monument in Montreux in Switzerland


Personally, I am in favor of watching everything on your own. The last time, even when I drove bus tour to Switzerland, I went everywhere by myself. We arrived at the place, I said “goodbye” to everyone and left. There is rather a non-monetary benefit here. When you travel on your own, you not only watch what you like, but you also test yourself: “Will I be able to navigate a foreign country among strangers?”

Again, such entertainment is not for everyone. If you don’t know the language, don’t know how to use a map and are lazy, it’s better not to interfere. In English, of course, not enough. In Spain they don’t like to speak English, in France they categorically don’t want to do this. IN major cities You can still communicate somehow, but if you go out of town a little (especially in Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Germany) - complete zero.

When you travel on your own, you not only watch what you like, but you also test yourself: “Will I be able to navigate a foreign country among strangers?”

Nobody knows English. And the Scandinavian countries have succeeded most in its knowledge. There, in my opinion, even grandmothers speak “English”. In Germany, it helps that many Russians live there. When I was there, I asked one couple for directions. The guy scrupulously explained how to go, and the girl, tired of waiting, rolled her eyes and let out a painfully familiar “oooooh,” which meant: “well, when are we going to leave here?” It turned out that she was a Russian German. He knows the language, although he speaks with an accent.

Of course, I also don’t know languages ​​perfectly. I speak some English, Spanish and French. But I “catch up” with gestures and facial expressions. Plus, related languages ​​are very helpful. I traveled to Portugal and Italy solely due to my knowledge of Spanish. Learn a foreign language! This will help you make contact with people easier, quickly navigate an unfamiliar space - and ultimately save not only money, but also nerves.

Why do you need excursions if you can see everything yourself?

I like to eat delicious food. Spending on food is one of my most significant expenses. I usually have breakfast in hotels, and for lunch I have a snack somewhere between excursions or on the beach. But with dinner there are options. Most often I buy groceries at the supermarket. The prices there are the same as in Russia. Quality varies. Sometimes the products are very tasty, and sometimes they are impossible to eat. What I buy wherever I go is milk. I can't live without him. In European countries it is incredibly tasty and fatty. True, it does not sour for a very long time, which leads to certain thoughts...

It would be nice to have dinner in restaurants. But I know that for one such dinner I will spend as much money as will last me for 3 days if I buy food in a supermarket. For 10 euros you can buy a whole bag: cheese, fruits, vegetables, a bottle of good wine.

Of course, you definitely need to try it once or twice National dishes to form your impression of the cuisine of a particular country. Portions abroad are very large everywhere, you can safely order for two. On Teneri ( Canary Islands) I decided to try paella. It cost 24 euros - almost 1000 rubles in our money. But the portion was so huge that I could hardly handle it.

Portions abroad are very large everywhere, you can safely order for two.

You can eat tasty, satisfying and indecently cheap in Chinese restaurants. In central Berlin, at a Chinese restaurant, I ordered fish with mushrooms. Due to my inexperience, I thought that we wouldn’t be full, so I took more soup and green tea. All this cost me 11 euros.

They brought a huge bowl of soup, a pot-bellied pot of tea, almost a liter. But when I saw the fish, I had only one thought: “What am I going to do with it?” It was a huge fish in a frying pan with a sumptuous side dish. Mushrooms, pineapples, some kind of bamboo. I was then able to eat only half the portion. Now I would go back and finish it, it was so delicious.

The main thing is to get an impression of the country’s cuisine!


To feel more or less comfortable, you need to take with you on the trip from 300 to 500 euros. Although, of course, it all depends on your capabilities and desires. When you travel, you are constantly haunted by many temptations. I want to buy everything and try it. At first, I tried to bring souvenirs to everyone to remember the country. Then he stopped. Everything is very expensive. An unfortunate refrigerator magnet costs 3-4 euros. Why does he need it? I look at these trinkets on my shelf and think: it would be better if I bought something tasty. There would be more memories.

I save money and purposefully dress only in European stores.

But I haven’t bought clothes in Russia for a long time. This topic is closed for me. Compare for yourself. An Adidas brand suit in Ulyanovsk costs 6,700 rubles, and in Europe I saw the same one for 37 euros (about 1,500 rubles). That's why I save money and purposefully dress only in European stores. And if you happen to be on sale, you will get really high-quality, branded items for pennies, even by our standards. In general, between things and impressions, you always have to choose the latter.

Street cafe on the island of Tenerife. Really expensive!

Take your bike with you

The first time I saw what it was like to ride with my bike was when I went with a friend to Crete. He showed me an example. I then rented a bike. 70 euros for 3 days. This is a lot of money for me. But it was worth it. We also took a tent, rode bicycles around the island and spent the night by the sea.

This is what transporting a bicycle looks like...

Carrying a bicycle with you to a foreign country also requires determination. I was happy I took him to Ibiza. I didn't pay a penny for the bike on this trip. I carried it in a special case and simply checked it into my luggage at the airport. He weighed 18 kilograms. To avoid overload, I took some of my things into the cabin of the plane, and what didn’t fit, I simply put on: a jacket, a sweatshirt, jeans. These are temporary inconveniences. But this is all nonsense compared to the pleasure I received.

Carrying a bicycle with you to a foreign country also requires determination.

I was in Ibiza for 10 days, and during this time I traveled the length and breadth of the island. I got up in the morning and thought: today I don’t want to sunbathe on the beach near the hotel, I’ll go somewhere else. I did not depend on transport and could return even late at night. Now I will definitely take my bike with me on trips. This means savings on transport, excursions and complete freedom of action.

In Lisbon I met a Pole who had cycled from Poland to Portugal. He has been traveling for six months now. True, he looks “bomzharish”, with dreadlocks like Decl’s. But he doesn't care about his appearance. He makes money by dressing up in a death suit with a scythe and sitting in the square. People throw coins at him. He also travels with a dog; he found it in Spain. If you asked me what my dream is, I would answer: I want to sell my apartment and go travel around the world. From country to country. It is very interesting.

... and the journey on it

Philosophy of freedom

Adventure adds to the flavor of the trip. If you were brought in and laid down like a vegetable, complete stagnation occurs. And if you study the country on your own, your grade increases. You rate yourself when you realize that you can do a lot. You just need to get out of your comfort zone. Even when I was on holiday in Egypt, I went on excursions every day and managed to go to Israel. There were two days that I spent on the hotel grounds - I just didn’t know what to do with myself.

It can't be said that independent travel– this is for everyone: go and be happy. Some people like to come quietly, roll the dice on the beach and feel comfortable in a 5 star hotel with “ all inclusive", and that's okay. But if you live in one place, you love those “advantures” - you will appreciate this style of tourism. For me, this is the philosophy of freedom.

Advice: travel more! Don't overspend. But don’t forget the simple truth: “Never save on what you can’t repeat.” (With)

Oh, by the way, are you ready to travel the way Robert does?

Photos from the personal archives of Robert Kichigin

Lynn And Tim Martin- Americans who sold their home at age 70 and became nomads. For five years they lived in Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Morocco and a dozen other countries. The couple released the book “Everywhere Like Home,” in which they talk about their “nomadic” life and give advice to travelers who want to travel around the world, even if they have very little money.

First things first, planes, or how to get to the place you need

The first and most important tip is to think about how you will get to your destination. Consider all possible options.

If you decide to fly, then buy plane tickets in advance, approximately 4-5 months before your planned trip. This can save you between $500 and $1000.

Remember that there are ways to make a long flight quite comfortable, even without spending money on first class. Try to book seats in the very first row, right after business class: there is a little more space and you won’t have to look at other passengers. If the flight is long, it's worth it!

Also note that if you drink alcohol during the flight, you may have a much harder time adjusting to jet lag.

If it is possible to get to the place you need not by plane, but, for example, by ship, then consider this possibility. Sometimes other modes of transport are much cheaper. Use return cruises: twice a year cruise companies ferry their liners from port to port, and tickets for these flights are sold at very low prices. We recommend using these useful sites to track such information:,

Think about where you will live

If you decide to withdraw private apartment, then check out and . There you can easily find the best discounts on accommodation and immediately book an apartment or house for a long period.

By the way, make a list in advance of everything you need to know about new apartment, and ask the owner or agent to check everything with you. What could be on this list? For example, the operation of all devices; serviceability of locks on doors and windows. Also check the plumbing and cold/hot water. Such forethought will allow you to avoid misunderstandings and unplanned expenses (for example, to fix an air conditioner that was not broken by you) when moving out.

A curious barbarian..., or what to do with excursions

If you prefer to receive general impression and without going into too much detail, don't sign up for tedious all-day excursions. On average, a city tour costs from $30 to $150. But you can save this money too. Sometimes it’s more useful to see all the most important things yourself, without haste, and then just walk around the city.

If you still decide to purchase an excursion, first go “reconnaissance”: compare prices with representatives different operators, ask those who have already been on such an excursion. As a rule, this allows you to save about $100 for a 2-3 week vacation.

They greet you by their clothes. How to save money on tourist clothes and shoes

It seems like a small thing. But it is very important that you feel comfortable in your clothes and shoes. Be sure to read the information about weather in the region where you are traveling. Take a few warm clothes with you in reserve (even if you are traveling in warm countries): sometimes even in the usual southern countries the weather can give out very cold surprises. And local stores make good money from these surprises, raising prices on all kinds of jackets and sweaters by an average of 20%.

What's on your feet is also very important. Wherever you go, you will definitely need quality shoes that are comfortable to walk in. In many cities, the streets are paved with stones, loosely cemented together, often quite unevenly. The roadway is narrow and you can trip over the curbs. While you are walking, try not to lift your head or look around. And if you want to look at the window or beautiful church, better stop.

Remember: it’s better to buy good shoes once that will last you for several years than to spend endlessly on cheap fakes.

Be eco-friendly: Don't be shy about buying clothes that aren't new. In many countries, wearing vintage and second-hand items is generally considered a special chic.

Enjoy and benefit from communicating with other tourists

From other travelers you will learn about interesting places, which you may not have planned to visit, and you will generally gain good ideas. Besides, dating is a good way to save money. Many places are more profitable to visit in groups, and restaurants offer good discounts for large groups. Don’t hesitate to ask the cafe representatives about this!

Meet your neighbors: if you're lucky, your neighbors will be interesting, knowledgeable people, who also have real homes with comfortable furniture. If one of your neighbors starts talking to you, invite them over for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. For example, the Irish love conversations and enjoy listening to other people's stories. You may find friends for life while traveling!

How to save on transport

If you cannot do without a car while traveling, rent one that is smaller, just enough to accommodate your luggage. On narrow roads with a small car you will have a much easier time. You will also save on gasoline, and this is also important: in other countries, gasoline may cost more. When renting a car, use trusted companies: we recommend in most cases and when you need a car for more than 17 days and the trip starts from France. There are very profitable offers here: you can get new car for much less than what you would normally pay to rent a European car.

Don't forget about your sense of humor! You may find yourself in difficult situations, but these are the ones that are especially interesting to tell your friends about over dinner. Try to find humor even in a situation when you find yourself in a completely different area of ​​Paris than you were going to, or when harmless capers from a jar with a label in German turn out to be terribly hot green peppers and all your guests turn red and begin to choke. These may not be very funny incidents, but after a while your stories will be listened to with great interest!

Record your expenses. This will help you take control of your finances and make better memories. Sometimes the most powerful moments are hidden in small details, and over time you will definitely forget it all, so write down every day as long as you remember. Believe me: after a while you will be happy that you were not lazy and at least wrote something down! And remember the main thing: life is short and too good not to live it to the fullest and the way we like. Don't miss out on the most important things.

Traveling around the world, seeing exciting places and not paying money for it is the dream of many Ukrainians. However, not everyone will decide to leave everything and go to distant lands without having a penny with them.

Max Burtsev and Leonid Kanter did this more than once. It is the lack of money, they say, that helps open a real country, without tourist routes and breakfasts in hotels.

INSIDER found out from travelers the pros and cons of such trips, where it is better to go and what to take note of when getting ready to travel.

Why go?

“For the first time I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and forget as much as possible about all clients, projects, contracts, taxes, etc. After spending a month in Scotland, I realized that no ordinary trip would give so many emotions, unexpected meetings and scenarios , experience and impressions, like a trip without money,” says Max.

Max Burtsev

In his opinion, you can immerse yourself much more deeply in the culture of a country if you travel without money. You start communicating with completely unexpected people and find yourself in unusual situations.

“We were traveling without money. Accordingly, we slept wherever we had to. At the Bundestag, in the fields. We ate wherever we had to. There was a case when we slept right next to the Bundestag. I don’t even know why they didn’t “tie us up.” We woke up surrounded by Japanese tourists. First they took pictures of us, then they went to take pictures of the Reichstag. We woke up in the foliage, and everything around was cleaned up very gently, touchingly, coolly,” says Max.

Director and traveler Leonid Kanter walked almost the entire Earth as part of the cultural expedition "With a stool". One of his trips lasted for a year - the guys walked around the entire Northern and South America, reaching Cape Horn.

According to Leonid, we are taught from childhood that money is needed for everything. At the same time, most people on the planet dream of two things: traveling around the world and having a cozy home in beautiful place. But lack of money freezes these dreams.

“On my first trip without money, I went for self-discovery. After all, when faced with unknown circumstances, a person instantly sheds the masks he has acquired over a lifetime and begins to see who he really is. It is also an acquaintance with himself and the world in which he has the good fortune to live Drive. Finding yourself without money in a foreign country is a feeling similar to a parachute jump, or rather even a free fall. Every day there is an absolute feeling of “here and now,” says Leonid.

What to live on?

According to Leonid, there are no problems with work. After all, honest, hardworking, self-organized employees are needed all over the world. “Restaurants and cafes pay every day, which is very convenient. But you should remember that it is illegal to earn money without permission. This can cause problems, including deportation,” he says.

During the trip to Atlantic Ocean Leonid and his friends showed the theatrical production “The Goat” to local residents. And they, in turn, invited them to eat or spend the night.

Maxim Burtsev sleeps in the park in front of the Bundestag building

Max had virtually no problems with food and overnight stays during his trip to Denmark and Germany. He and a friend caught a car, started conversations with the drivers, who very often then fed them, less often - left them at their place for the night.

“In Scotland, I worked in many ways: a carpenter, a cleaner, a painter, a dishwasher, a snail collector, an advertiser. I even have a letter of recommendation,” says the traveler.

According to Max, all the work was unusual. The worst thing was to be refused when offering your services. “To find one place of work, I had to go through about 40-50 establishments. But hunger forced me. It forced me to meet a homeless person for the first time. But if you don’t know how to find a solution, just start communicating, it doesn’t matter with whom. And it doesn’t even really matter , about what,” he says.

You also need to smile. Even if your back hurts, even if you rub your leg until it bleeds, even if you are angry at the whole world from hunger - smile! “No one enjoys helping a person with a gloomy face,” adds Max.

Leonid Kanter with his wife and daughter. Family hitchhiking

What to take with you?

According to Leonid, you need to take everything. And if it doesn’t fit into one backpack, then you need to take two. The road quickly teaches you what is unnecessary.

“I took a tent, a backpack, a sleeping bag, a mat, a phone, clothes and a battery. Everything else appeared along the way. There are people who travel with small bags or no things at all. But this is aerobatics,” says Max.


“The decision about Scotland was made in a couple of minutes, and a month later I was already on a plane. We prepared for a trip to Europe and the USA for about a month. For example, a trip to Scotland cost me approximately $450, where low-cost tickets cost $350, + $100 for first breakfast, the way from the airport to Edinburgh and a SIM card. Everything is simpler in Europe - there is no need for a plane,” shares Max.

According to Leonid, costs can be very individual. Some people can’t live without morning coffee, others can’t live without cigarettes or sweets. But if there are no dependencies, then the costs are minimal.

What to see

The world is beautiful in its own way. According to Leonid, of course, poor countries are more unique and authentic.

"I would advise you to see everything. Only when you travel do you begin to appreciate and love your country not for populist slogans, but with your own love. I would advise every Ukrainian to visit the Mongolian Gobi Desert. After that, they would understand that we and our black soils live like in heaven," says Leonid.

According to Max, you should definitely visit the Isle of Skye in Scotland, because the nature there is incredibly beautiful and there are no people. London is also worth attention for its atmosphere and visual culture. Amsterdam - for its canals and atmosphere of permissiveness. Chicago for its dog beaches and lake swimming. Michigan is surrounded by skyscrapers, as well as Georgian Sighnaghi, because it is so damn cozy and beautiful.

Benefits from travel

“For me, all this was a source of new experience and impressions. I can’t name a single minus. For some, the whole trip may turn out to be a complete minus - lack of food, uncomfortable conditions, lack of money, the language barrier...", says Max.

Leonid also sees only positive aspects in his trips. After all, there are mostly good people everywhere.

“I travel with my wife Diana and my daughters by hitchhiking and on foot. We sleep wherever we have to, we eat the same, and at the same time we are absolutely happy, because life is beautiful. I have this principle: no matter where you spend the night, the sun will still rise and the morning will come anyway, so don’t worry about it,” he says.

“One day I was swimming in the Maroñon River in Peru. Locals They assured me that there were no crocodiles there, but they looked at my swim with caution and distrust. When I returned to the shore, I found out that the river was infested with piranhas,” says Leonid.

Next point

Now Leonid has gone to Africa. Last week he and his family flew to Egypt. My children, feeling the warm wind, took off their shoes and ran barefoot through the airport - towards the sea and Africa. The journey “On a visit to the Hamer tribe” began, Leonid shares.

"Lately I've been fascinated by small communities. A couple of years ago, I lived among the Indian tribes of the Amazon and islands Caribbean Sea. Learned a lot. Now I dream about Ethiopia. Their experience is not civilized, it is deeper - natural, and this is what I want to embody on our farm in Obirok,” he adds.

Max's plans include a trip to Iceland. "This northern country, and I love the north. Besides, it’s small enough that I’m thinking of getting around it on foot,” he says.

Who is this lifestyle suitable for?

“I don’t know who it’s suitable for. I think for those who have had a problem in their ass, for those for whom strong emotions and impressions are the main resource in life, for those who like to leave their comfort zone and see this as a source of their own growth. And anyone can go “The one who likes it will continue. The rest will understand that this is not for them and will do something else,” says Max.

He is convinced that dreams must be realized, even if something gets in the way.

“No money, no time, stuck at work, a girlfriend/wife who won’t let go and throws tantrums, a dog who has no one to leave with, an unstable political and economic situation in the country, bad health, depression, opening her own company, bankruptcy, closure your company or stupidly just “it’s not time yet” or “... but it’ll take a while.”

Something always gets in the way. Always. That's why realizing your dreams is as much hard work as the work you do every day. Only in this case it is work to resolve all the issues that stand in the way of making your dreams come true. Dreams must be realized. At least to make room for new ones. And then don’t say, ‘Damn, I’m so jealous of you,’ to a stranger on a bench,” adds Max.

Somewhere in Mexico

In turn, Leonid believes that every person needs self-realization. "Thank God, there is no war, but I want to achieve feats. To prove to myself that you are capable of something. To carry stools to the four oceans... It is a very pleasant feeling when you achieve a goal that seemed like a fantastic dream. After that, you no longer want to be with anyone and nothing to measure against,” says Leonid.

All photos are from Facebook

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27 year old Cassandra De Pecol in 2017, she managed to set as many as 2 records: she became the first woman in history to visit all 196 sovereign states, and the first person to do this in just 1.5 years. Surely many of you also dream of traveling around the globe, but not everyone can afford it. Especially for you, we have collected tips that will help you travel more and spend less.

We are in website We are sure that almost anyone can travel if they really want to. Knowing some little tricks, you can do it much cheaper, and most importantly, without compromising your impressions.

1. Give preference to night travel by buses and trains

Night travel on trains and buses will make travel more budget-friendly. This option can be used as a good opportunity at the same time save time and money on a hotel It’s better to take 1st class tickets: you may overpay a little, but you’ll get a good night’s sleep.

Traveling on buses is not so convenient, so you should not plan daily night trips - this will make you feel overwhelmed. The only exception is slipper buses, which feature recumbent soft shelves instead of standard seats - this good way budget travel without sacrificing comfort.

2. Set up flight alerts

If there is a specific place you want to go, sign up for AirfaireWatchDog. Every time You will receive emails when there is a price reduction for the destination you have chosen. In addition, there are other sites that send similar notifications by email for a small fee. This method often helps save hundreds of dollars on a ticket.

3. Secret hotel offers

If time and money to find a hotel are limited, pay attention to sites with secret offers from hotels - hotwire and priceline. You will not know for sure which hotel you rented a room in, but The discount can range from 30 to 80%.

The closer the check-in date, the greater the likelihood of getting a good discount - it is more profitable for hotels to rent out a room at half price or lower than to earn nothing on it. So if you have a free travel schedule, the hotel brand is not important to you and healthy adventurism is not alien to you, these sites are for you.

4. How to return a non-refundable ticket

If your plans suddenly change and you need to return your air ticket, you should know that this can be done in several cases:

  • your flight has been cancelled;
  • you were not put on the flight you paid for;
  • the flight was seriously delayed and this changed your plans;
  • you or a close relative with whom you were going to fly got sick;
  • a family member or close relative has died;
  • if you change your mind about flying or overslept your flight, try to get at least part of the money back.

First, you will need to cancel your reservation with the airline, and then prepare documents to confirm your words. But in any case, the requirements need to be clarified with the specific airline.

5. Look for an alternative

Pay attention to countries and resorts that are less popular among tourists. This does not mean that your holiday there will be significantly different and will disappoint you. For example, you can try to replace Montenegro, Bulgaria or Thailand with Albania, Romania and Cambodia. After all these countries have a similar climate, there is a sea everywhere, but prices are significantly lower. In addition, there are not many tourists in these destinations, which makes these countries even more attractive.

6. Look for a ticket for 1 passenger

If you are flying with your family or just big company, first find tickets for 1 person. The fact is that airline websites will try to sell a higher class ticket if you are looking for tickets for 2 or more passengers.

The difference in price is not always obvious, since you only see the amount for all tickets and may miss the fact that 1 or 2 of them are higher class tickets. high price. It is worth first finding out the minimum price and then making sure that the cost of each ticket is exactly that.

7. Buy tickets online in incognito mode

If you went to the site just to look at a ticket for the desired date, and were distracted by business, after a while it may become more expensive. It's not that all the tickets are sold out, it's just that the airline already knows that you are interested in buying this ticket and will try to sell it to you at a higher price.

All this can be avoided if you search for tickets in incognito browser mode. So you will not leave traces on the Internet, and the airline will not make you unfavorable offers. Each browser has its own ways of setting incognito mode. For example, for Google Chrome this is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N.

8. Don't use a MacBook when buying tickets

The websites of many airlines are based on the model of your computer or other device from which you place an order to purchase an air ticket. In addition, they can determine your region and the operating system of your computer. For example, if you book a ticket from a MacBook, you will most likely be offered expensive options. Best choice To order tickets there will be a personal home computer or an Internet cafe.

9. Use stopover as an additional opportunity

A stopover flight is similar to a transit flight, but its main difference is that the transfer can take more than a day. But its main advantage is that during downtime you can see the country in which you will have a layover. For example, if you have a flight from London to Ankara, but you have a layover in Rome, then you can take a walk around this city too.

Do you like to travel? Do you have your own secrets for budget travel?

It's never too late to get out of your comfort zone: Lynn and Tim Martin, a 70-year-old couple from California, proved this from their desperate experience.

One fine day they woke up in their house and realized that they did not want to live out old age, like everyone else, in familiar conditions. But they dream of something completely different - to travel around the world. And then they... sold the house, threw their backpacks on their shoulders and have since traveled halfway around the world (and this is not the limit!).

How did they do it? The answer is in the book Everywhere is Like Home. And some quotes and advice from these brave souls - right now.

Where to begin?

In 2010, the couple sold their house and went on a long trip around the world. A couple of months after the idea was born, Tim and Lynn were already standing on board the ship that was supposed to take them to Europe. They were carrying two small suitcases and a couple of laptops.

We decided to stop being just retirees and find a way to travel around the world to finally see the things that have been on our bucket lists for a long time. I was already imagining how we were walking along the rows of fragrant tomatoes at the Italian market, how we were walking through the dark and mysterious bazaars of Marrakech; I saw myself on a French farm: I was whipping a soufflé, and Tim was opening a bottle of local white wine with a bright, fresh aroma. It seemed that we were given a chance to make up for everything we had missed in life and become completely free!

The endless plateau between boredom and contentment

Before we began our homeless lives, we were both living, emotionally, in what writer Jess Walter calls “an endless plateau between boredom and contentment.” We weren't unhappy, but we were bored.

Old age and emptiness nestled comfortably at the doors and under the windows. We never had to reach this plateau, and we never regretted anything. We are healthy, happy, living life to the fullest and fully aware of ourselves - and this is much more than we could have dreamed. We keep boredom on a short leash.

Incredible Mexico

Every time we drove into this town like that and turned the corner, it took our breath away. During the day, the lake, lying at the foot of the hills, shines in the sun, and this is echoed by the central city cathedral - it sparkles like a royal crown. There is hardly anything else like it in all of Mexico.

In the 1920s, the Mexican government declared the town of San Miguel a national treasure, and it has been protected ever since. There are no traffic lights, neon signs, or chain stores. In the city center everything looks exactly as it did one hundred and fifty years ago, and the amiable behavior of most of the residents also recalls those blessed times.

There is a set of rules of good manners here. For example, at the beginning of a conversation they always ask about the health of family members, men always open the door for ladies and stand up when they enter the room. And it's all part of life moving at a slower pace. Every time we come to San Miguel, we have to get used to these rules again, and we really like it.

Cheap flights, vintage and Irish mansion

The nomadic lifestyle teaches you to save. At the same time, the quality of travel does not suffer. Quite the opposite. And that's why:

There are ways to make a long flight quite comfortable, even without spending money on first class. Try to book seats in the very first row, right after business class: there is a little more space and you won't have to look at other passengers.

Don't be shy about buying clothes that aren't new. In many countries, wearing vintage and second-hand items is generally considered a special chic. As the seasons change, you can replenish your wardrobe without much expense, and donate unnecessary items to some charitable society - then you will not have excess luggage, and show concern for the environment.

When you choose housing for rent, carefully read the descriptions of all options. This is your chance to live for some time in an apartment in a real Irish mansion for a reasonable rent.

Old crazy people

And now from time to time we meet people who, having learned about our way of life, take a defensive position, as if our decisions somehow threaten their usual existence: “Yes, I would never give up furniture, a dog, a car, my... " Sometimes we have to explain that a life as restless as ours really isn’t for everyone. But right now and just for us it turned out to be ideal.

We talk about our unusual life not so that someone suddenly decides to radically change theirs. We just want to show how great it is to expand your horizons, no matter which way you choose to do it.

Citizens of the world

The great thing about this story is that we don't have to do any quick sightseeing anywhere. By arranging our lives in this way, we received the most valuable thing in the world - time. We have freed ourselves from our home, and now our home is where we are.

We've learned to embrace change, switch roles for a while, meet thousands of new people and help some of them find a new direction in life, all of which just goes to show how to say yes.

To this day, we are convinced that nothing should be put off, because life is short and too good not to live it to the fullest and the way we like.

Live now

You need to live in such a way that you are not ashamed to die. This phrase very accurately describes how you feel when you choose a nomadic lifestyle. Nothing in the world will give you so many unforgettable minutes, enchanting discoveries and the best meetings. The only thing to be wary of is that you may never be able to live a quiet, measured life again.

A life without stability teaches you to be flexible, it helps you say “yes” to everything that you fear in everyday life. And most importantly, it makes you wiser. You begin to realize that life is too short to waste it on a stable but boring existence.