How to celebrate the New Year in Arab countries. New Year in the UAE: a symbiosis of luxury, style and oriental traditions. Holiday Discounts in Dubai

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Eastern traditions, oriental art, oriental practices are gaining increasing popularity in our country, in our city, and in the Western world as a whole. And eastern holidays are no exception.

But, just getting carried away by all this, we sometimes forget that, as the unforgettable comrade Sukhov said, the east is a delicate matter. And there is no need to generalize all the cultural traditions of the East into one whole.

For example, we mistakenly believe that the entire eastern world - from the Middle East to the countries of the rising sun - celebrates the Eastern New Year on February 19. But this is far from true.

Nizhny Novgorod artists helped us understand all the intricacies of the East, who through their creativity reveal to the people of Nizhny Novgorod the beautiful and amazing eastern culture.

Eastern New Year in Nizhny Novgorod is Chinese New Year

The Eastern New Year, which is celebrated on February 19, is a new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar, which means that it is only a Chinese, Buddhist tradition, which, for example, has nothing to do with the Arab East.

Chinese New Year is one of the main holidays of the year, which the Chinese celebrate for 15 days. In this they are somewhat similar to us, we also celebrate the New Year “from the first to the thirteenth”!

From the Chinese New Year we also inherited the tradition of assigning a symbol to each year. According to Chinese beliefs, the Dragon, Tiger, or, as this year, the Goat or Sheep are the lords of the next year. They cannot be met in an uncleaned house, and therefore one of the main Chinese New Year traditions is cleaning.

The New Year's color for the Chinese is red. And all the festive decor of Chinese houses is made in shades of red with small splashes of yellow tangerines, which symbolize prosperity, and peach and apricot flowers, which symbolize new beginnings.

Well, a rich New Year's table is also an obligatory part of the Chinese New Year program.

In general, we and the Chinese have a lot in common in our approach to the New Year!

But the East is not only China, and the Eastern New Year is celebrated not only on February 19, and sometimes not at all like we do with the Chinese...

Eastern New Year in Nizhny Novgorod: as celebrated in other countries of the eastern world

Arab countries

Katerina Sitnova, director of the show ballet “Izumrud”, says:

“The Eastern New Year is in many ways a truly Chinese tradition. And I do oriental dances and these are Arabic dances. And the Arabs celebrate the New Year in a completely different way than the Chinese did at that time.

New Year According to the Islamic calendar, it is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram. In 2015 it will be October 14th. But in the Arab world, New Year is not a widespread holiday.

There are two main holidays - Kurban Bayram and the day after Ramadan - both of them are religious and are celebrated very widely. And for the New Year itself, they only prepare the table and read the prayer not as usual.”

Margarita Daryina, head of the Arabic dance school "MarMar" continues:

“Yes, the Arab New Year is more of a religious holiday. Therefore, in Arab countries all entertainment establishments are closed at this time. And the biggest entertainment these days is considered zakat, i.e. every self-respecting Muslim is simply obliged to give alms and perform other pious acts actions.

New Year in the Arab world is a day off, a day for the whole family when they eat a lot and do not work. And that's it new year traditions associated with Islam and family."

Tatyana Lyulina, artistic director of the oriental dance studio "Angels of the East":

“As for the celebration of the Eastern Arab New Year or the New Year according to the Islamic calendar in our city, it is, of course, celebrated by our Muslim diaspora, but still rather closed, as part of a religious holiday.

As for me personally, I don’t celebrate the Eastern New Year. There were attempts, of course, but without any memorable details.

I think this is too exotic for our Central Russian region!”


Veronica Kurashina, head of the Indian dance studio "Kamala" says:

“There are a lot of different peoples and religions in India. And each cultural tradition has its own calendar. Therefore, in India, the New Year can be celebrated almost all year round!

So, February 19 will be the new year according to the Buddhist calendar. More precisely, even in Tibetan. By the way, some states where this calendar is common also celebrate January 1 as the beginning of the year.

The New Year according to the Zoroastrian calendar will be celebrated on August 18. The famous Indian holiday Holi (Festival of Colors) is also sometimes considered New Year. with it spring begins in March-April.

The Festival of Lights - Diwali (October-November) is also considered New Year's. It's the start of a new financial year for businessmen in western India, when old books are closed and new ones are opened.

Finally, celebrated in India and Catholic Christmas, according to the attributes we perceive as a New Year's holiday...

Of course, I would like holidays of different cultures to be more common in our city. This broadens one’s horizons, draws attention to national traditions and helps their preservation and development, unites people, and promotes mutual understanding.

Eastern New Year can be one of these unifying moments!”

Well, as they say, everything is in our hands. And the portal site - your guide to the world of holidays, has already taken one step in the right direction - we hope that thanks to this article, you will clearly understand what the Eastern New Year is and what it is like!

Visit Dubai Die beste Aussicht auf das Feuerwerk 20181216T160203 20181216T160203 20191003T160652:637057156120277696 Ihr Guide Zu Silvester Egal, ob Sie es am höchsten Gebäude der Welt, dem Burj Khalifa, erleben oder ob es über der Palm Jumeirah den Himmel bunt erleuchtet, das legendäre Neujahrsfeuerwerk in Dubai ist ein alljährliches Highlight. Hier ist unser Leitfaden zu den besten Orten, um das Feuerwerksspektakel zu bewundern. Die besten Aussichtspunkte, um das Neujahrsfeuerwerk in Dubai zu bewundern

Die besten Aussichtspunkte, um die Silvesterfeuerwerke in Dubai zu bewundern

Das legendäre Neujahrsfeuerwerk in Dubai ist ein alljährliches Highlight. Verbringen Sie Silvester in Dubai? Hier stellen wir Ihnen die besten Orte der Stadt vor, um die spektakulären Shows zu bewundern.


Burj Khalifa/Dubai Fountain

Es gibt wohl keinen besseren Ort, um dem größten Feuerwerksspektakel in Dubai beizuwohnen, als am Fuß des Burj Khalifa selbst. Tausende von Menschen kommen zum größten Springbrunnen der Welt, der Dubai Fountain, um sich gegen Mitternacht die spektakuläre Licht- und Wassershow anzusehen. Wenn Sie also im Zentrum von Dubai wohnen, sollten Sie sich dieses Spektakel auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen! Wenn Sie aus einem anderen Stadtteil anreisen, ist es empfehlenswert, bereits gegen 18 Uhr einzutreffen, um noch einen der guten Plätze zu ergattern. Alternativ können Sie natürlich auch einen Tisch in einem der zahlreichen umliegenden Restaurants reservieren. Planen Sie genügend Zeit ein, da die Straßen und der Zugang zum Zentrum in der Silvesternacht auf Grund der Feierlichkeiten nur eingeschränkt nutzbar sind.

Der Eintritt ist kostenlos.

Souk Al Bahar
Gleich jenseits der Brücke in der Nähe der Dubai Mall befindet sich der Souk Al Bahar, ein Speise- und Erlebnisparadies, von dem aus zahlreiche Restaurants eine unverbaute Sicht auf das Feuerwerksspektakel des Burj Khalifa bieten. Auch hier sollten Sie unbedingt im Voraus buchen.

Der Eintritt ist kostenlos; eine frühzeitige Tischreservierung ist in den Restaurants erforderlich.

Burj Plaza
Etwas weiter die Straße hinab befindet sich das Burj Plaza Areal, dieser Platz bietet eine alternative Aussicht auf den Burj Khalifa und ist ein beliebter Treffpunkt für Familien.

Der Eintritt ist kostenlos.


Atlantis, The Palm

Gibt es eine bessere Lage, um ein Feuerwerk zu bewundern, als den Ort des Geschehens selbst? Buchen Sie ein Zimmer im Resort Atlantis, oder reservieren Sie einen Tisch für die Royal Gala am Silvesterabend, und sichern Sie sich gleichzeitig eine erstklassige Aussicht auf die bezaubernde Feuerwerksshow.

Palm Jumeirah Boardwalk
Die 11 km lange Promenade entlang der Sichel der Palm Jumeirah ist am Silvesterabend ein beliebter Treffpunkt der Insel. Die Promenade erstreckt sich vom One&Only, The Palm bis zum anderen Ende der Insel und bietet zahlreiche Aussichtspunkte, die einen herrlichen Blick auf das Feuerwerk des Hotels Atlantis eröffnen. Vom Rixos-seitigen Ende der Palme aus sehen Sie zudem das Burj Al Arab und den Burj Khalifa. Denken Sie bitte daran, dass der Zugang zur Palm Jumeirah am Silvesterabend eingeschränkt wird, um das Verkehrsaufkommen unter Kontrolle zu halten.

Der Eintritt ist kostenlos.

The Pointe
Dieses Beach-, Entertainment- und Shopping-Areal liegt gegenüber der Bucht des Atlantis, The Palm an der Spitze der Palm Jumeirah. Hier warten mehr als 80 Geschäfte, Restaurants und Attraktionen auf Sie. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, zu Silvester einen Tisch in einem der Strandrestaurants zu reservieren. Genießen Sie erstklassige Speisen mit einem atemberaubenden Blick auf das Meer und die Feuerwerksspektakel.

Der Eintritt zum Areal ist kostenlos. Bitte reservieren Sie Ihren Tisch im Restaurant Ihrer Wahl im Voraus.


Madinat Jumeirah

Mit mehr als 40 Restaurants und Lounges ist die Madinat Jumeirah ein weiterer großartiger Ort, um das neue Jahr zu begehen. Unsere Empfehlungen sind die Restaurants Khazmat Al Nahar und Shimmers On The Beach, wo Sie gemütlich draußen sitzen und unter dem Sternenhimmel vorzüglich speisen können.

Kite Beach
Einer der besten Ort, wo Sie Silvester in Dubai gratis verbringen können, ist der Kite Beach. Dieser weitläufige, öffentliche Strand liegt am Hotel Burj Al Arab, das auch jedes Jahr mit einer Feuerwehrksshow sondergleichen aufwartet. Kommen Sie rechtzeitig, um sich einen guten Platz zu sichern, und machen Sie hier Ihr ganz persönliches Strandpicknick.


Dubai Festival City Mall

Genießen Sie ein festliches Dinner mit Aussicht auf die Festival Bay in einem der vielen Mall-Restaurants, zum Beispiel im Eataly, Big Fernand, Semsom, Al Fanar und Peppermill. Schauen Sie sich die Wasser- und Lichtshow "Imagine" an, die für Sie das neue Jahr auf eine unvergessliche Weise einläuten wird. Bitte reservieren Sie Ihren Tisch im Voraus.


Global Village

Rutschen Sie ins neue Jahr mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt im Global Village. Hier können Sie Pavillons aus verschiedenen Ländern be suchen und so zum Beispiel kurze Abstecher nach China, Thailand, Bangladesh, Indien, Pakistan und Russland machen, während Sie internationale Delikatessen, Live-Musik und Entertainment genießen.

La Mer
Dieses Strandviertel heißt zu Silvester Besucher jeden Alters herzlich willkommen. Besonders Familien werden sich in La Mer wohlfühlen, weil es eine gute Mischung aus Outdoor-Fun und Silvesterfeierlichkeiten bietet.

Al Seef
In Dubais Viertel Al Seef können Sie das neue Jahr in einer modernen und traditionellen Umgebung begehen. Besuchen Sie den Heritage District und speisen Sie in einem der vielen einladenden Lokale am Ufer des Creeks, von wo aus Sie die bunt schillernden Feuerwerke bewundern können.

778 German Dubai Corporation of Tourism & Commerce Marketing

In the United United Arab Emirates(UAE) New Year is celebrated twice. According to Western European tradition, it is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. The Muslim New Year falls on the first day of the month of Muharram according to the Islamic calendar.

New Year January 1

The customs of the European New Year have spread among local population thanks to the large influx of tourists.

The largest celebrations are held in Dubai. During New Year's holidays There is a large influx of tourists in the city. To cater to the tastes and customs of guests, streets, shopping centers and hotels are luxuriously decorated in European style. IN New Year's Eve Dubai hosts a grand fireworks show and laser show. Fireworks of extraordinary scale and beauty attract hundreds of thousands of citizens and tourists. Events take place near tall skyscraper Burj Khalifa city, Burj Al Arab and Atlantis hotels, throughout artificial island Palm Jumeirah. The large-scale New Year's fireworks display allowed Dubai to enter the Guinness Book of Records twice - in 2009 and 2014.

For the older generation, the New Year on January 1 is inferior in importance to the Muslim holiday. They spend it in a calm home environment over a festive dinner. Young people have fun in bars, clubs, and take part in mass celebrations and parties on the beaches.

On the eve of the holiday, streets, squares, shops and restaurants in the UAE are decorated with shimmering garlands and elegant artificial Christmas trees. In the windows you can see unusual New Year's decorations. Santa Clauses in disguise walk around shopping centers and invite children to visit their residences.

Cities and resorts

The New Year in the UAE will bring new emotions and immerse you in an atmosphere of warmth and exoticism.

rest in largest cities- Dubai and Abu Dhabi - will delight you with a rich program of events. On New Year's Eve, restaurants, hotels, bars and nightclubs offer entertainment shows with a luxurious dinner and performances by popular pop music groups. At beach parties you can party until the morning with the fiery music of star DJs. Dubai and Abu Dhabi host midnight fireworks shows where you must reserve a seat in advance.

Romantics will love New Year's cruises on Persian Gulf. To do this, you need to reserve seats on an Arabian dhow or a comfortable motor ship. For a big noisy company good option rent a yacht.

Exotic lovers will be delighted with the New Year's safari in the Arabian desert. Riding ATVs, jeeps or camels will bring new emotions. You can celebrate midnight in a Bedouin settlement with a festive dinner and colorful dancing.

Feel yourself in winter's tale will allow indoor ski resort Sky Dubai in the center of Dubai. Visitors can enjoy a variety of entertainment: snowboard and bobsleigh tracks, a snow shooting range, and an ice cave with a frozen waterfall. At the resort you can rent the necessary equipment and take advantage of instructor lessons. The Santa Claus residence has been created for children, where interesting competitions, entertainment and gifts await the youngest visitors.

Shopping lovers will be delighted by the large shopping festival, which begins in Dubai on January 2 and lasts a month. During the festival in shopping centers and stores have big discounts and sales. In boutiques you can purchase exclusive items at low prices.

There is not much information on the Internet about how the New Year is celebrated in the United Arab Emirates. Someone will say that the country is Arab and the holiday, it seems, is not really theirs. But, in fact, everything is completely different. New Year is a common holiday, and it is celebrated in many countries, regardless of the religious affiliation of the inhabitants.

How to celebrate the New Year in the UAE

It is worth noting that New Year is celebrated more than once in the UAE! Residents of the UAE respect the Lunar calendar, according to which there are 354 days in a year, and all religious holidays are calculated according to this calendar.

  • Muslim New Year

For reference: the Muslim New Year is a religious holiday without reference to a date. The date of the celebration is constantly changing, moving back every year by 11 days. Therefore, according to the Muslim calendar, today we have 1439. This holiday is celebrated calmly and without much fanfare. In 2017, it took place from September 21 to 22.

  • Traditional New Year

The second time the New Year in the Emirates is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, traditionally, as in most countries of the world. This holiday is celebrated with joy and great scope.

The largest fireworks in the world

Residents of the UAE tend to shock the rest of the world with the size of their hotels, skyscrapers, recreational parks and more. In 2009, the UAE captivated the world with its largest fireworks display, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

It is customary to celebrate the New Year in the UAE with fireworks. The main events take place near the Burj Al Arab Hotel on Jemeirah Beach, as well as the Atlantis Hotel. Each hotel tries to make the maximum impression on arriving tourists. And there are so many tourists these days that you have to reserve seats to watch the fire show in advance.

For those who are not eager to contemplate amazing fireworks, there are entertainment programs V hotels with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. When choosing a hotel, pay attention to the duration of the New Year's program. In some hotels, the festivities end with the chime, which very often discourages tourists from the CIS countries. Therefore, clarify this point in advance so that conflict situations do not arise later.

By the way, prices for tours in the UAE during the New Year celebrations increase on average by 2-2.5 times. Although, even this does not stop those who want to celebrate this fun holiday in the Emirates.

If you're ready, there's still time to book your flights and hotel!

New Year and alcoholic drinks in the UAE

Remember - alcoholic drinks in the UAE under strict ban and on New Year's Eve! Even in relatively liberal Dubai, we strongly advise against consuming anything on the street or in any other public place, except for hotels and restaurants where drinking is permitted.

Otherwise, your mood may be very spoiled by the police, and as a New Year's gift there is a chance of getting a night in the police station and a hefty fine. And in Sharjah you will have to do without alcoholic beverages - as you know, drinking is completely prohibited there.

What other options are there for celebrating the New Year?

If you are not interested in fireworks, and sitting at a hotel makes you sad, then you can choose an alternative option to celebrate the New Year in the UAE. What else does the Emirates offer:

  • New Year's jeep safari to the desert to the Bedouins. Exotic? - More than! Instead of snow, sand, gatherings around the fire and mesmerizing belly dancing. Most guides offer this program. Estimated cost is about 100 USD per person.

  • Beach parties are another way to celebrate the New Year in Dubai in an interesting and exciting way. Discos from December 31 to January 1 on the beach with the participation of world famous DJs. The cost of such parties varies depending on the hotel on the beach where they are held, drinks included, program and performing stars. The spread can be from 100 to 1000 USD.

If you celebrate the New Year in other Emirates

Remember that Dubai celebrates the New Year most pompously. Neighboring emirates do this more modestly. In Abu Dhabi they also give fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year. If you are in Ajman, Sharjah or Ras al-Khaimah and decide to visit Dubai for the New Year, then make sure you leave in advance.

By lunchtime on December 31, all highways at the entrance to the city will be stopped, and you have a chance to miss all the events by staying in the car overnight.

Weather in the UAE for the New Year

The UAE is a country of year-round summer, so worry about weather not worth it. For the New Year, the weather here is as comfortable as possible: on average about 22-27 degrees during the day. At night it can be 12-17, so it makes sense to wear something over a T-shirt or shirt. The water temperature is about 20 degrees – it’s not that cold and you can even swim. Rain is unlikely - the wettest month in the Emirates is February.

What should parents do with children?

Many shopping centers have special rooms designed in the style of Santa Claus's house. You can have quite a fun time there: read poetry, sing, take pictures with Santa. The cost of visiting is on average from 10 to 20 USD. All children are given gifts - sweets.

What else can you do during the holidays?

If you like to combine business with pleasure, then you have a chance to save a lot even on celebrating the New Year 2018 in the UAE. This year the world-famous Dubai shopping festival started on December 26, 2017 year and will last a whole month - until January 26, 2018. Discounts on many products during this period reach 70%! So there is a chance not only to celebrate the New Year in an interesting and exciting way, but also to make many interesting and profitable purchases during the holidays!

By the way, many expensive prizes are awarded during the festival. Last year there were Lexus, Nissan cars, several kilograms of pure gold, and even a helicopter! Who knows, maybe this year you will be lucky too?

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  1. How to celebrate New Year in the UAE
    1. How to celebrate New Year in the UAE
    2. How to celebrate New Year in the UAE

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