New Urengoy until shortly how long. Korotchaevo - Novy Urengoy train schedule. The nearest settlements to Novy Urengoy

This train schedule on the route Korotchaevo - Novy Urengoy is for informational purposes only and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the station information desk.

About the train schedule Korotchaevo - Novy Urengoy

Currently, the Korotchaevo Novy Urengoy train schedule consists of 11 flights: direct trains - 0, passing trains - 11. These are flights 697G, 378Y, 499E, 590Y, 310E, 380U - the fastest of them is 310E Ekaterinburg-Pass. Novy Urengoy, which covers the distance along the Korotchaevo Novy Urengoy route in 0 days 1 hour 47 minutes, the slowest train is 380U Orenburg Novy Urengoy, departing at 15:32. The number of stops on the Korotchaevo-Novy Urengoy route ranges from 1 to 1 depending on the train schedule and averages 1. Along the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 134 minutes. Trains depart from Korotchaevo station in the first half of the day - 02:33, 02:33, 06:45 and in the afternoon - 15:32, 21:35, 23:53. All trains leave from Korotchaevo stations and arrive at Novy Urengoy stations.

You can plot a route for your car by entering the name of the place from where you want to leave and where to get there. Enter the names of points in the nominative case and in full, with the name of the city or region separated by a comma. Otherwise, the online route map may show the wrong path.

The free Yandex map contains detailed information about the selected area, including the boundaries of regions, territories and regions of Russia. In the “layers” section, you can switch the map to “Satellite” mode, then you will see a satellite image of the selected city. The “People's Map” layer shows metro stations, airports, names of neighborhoods and streets with house numbers. It's online interactive map- it cannot be downloaded.

Nearest hotels (hotels, hostels, apartments, guest houses)

View all hotels in the area on the map

Five nearby hotels are shown above. Among them there are both regular hotels and hotels with several stars, as well as cheap accommodation - hostels, apartments and guest houses. These are usually private economy class mini-hotels. The hostel is a modern hostel. The apartment is private apartment With daily rental, and a guest house is a large private house where, as a rule, the owners themselves live and rent out rooms for guests. You can rent a guest house with all-inclusive service, a bathhouse and other attributes have a nice rest. Check with the owners for details here.

Usually hotels are located closer to the city center, including inexpensive ones, near the metro or train station. But if this is a resort area, then the best mini-hotels, on the contrary, are located further from the center - on the seashore or river bank.

Nearest airports

Type Name Code City Code Distance
Airport Tarko-Sale TQL Tarko-Sale (RU) TQL 112 km.
Airport New Urengoy NUX Novy-Urengoy (RU) NUX 41 km.

Korotchaevo– microdistrict in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Located 75 km east of Novy Urengoy, on the left bank of the river. Pur. Population – 7 thousand people. (2002).

History of Korotchaevo

Founded in 1977 during construction railway– Urengoy as a village at the Urengoy station (since 1982 – Korotchaevo station). The clearing for the railway and the place for the future village were prepared by Komsomolsk construction and installation train No. 522, headed by N.P. Dorovskikh. On December 28, 1980, the team of Hero of Socialist Labor V.V. Molozin (SMP-522) laid the last link of the highway - Surgut - Urengoy, and at the station. The first train arrived in Urengoy.

In 1982, the urban-type settlement of Korotchaevo was officially registered as part of the Purovsky district. The name of the settlement was given in honor of the head of the Tyumenstroyput construction department. In 1983, the village was transferred to the administrative subordination of the Novy Urengoy City Council. In 2004, Korotchaevo became part of the city of Novy Urengoy.

The Urengoy river port is located in Korotchaevo.

Korotchaevo station

The Korotchaevo railway station (until 1982 - Urengoy station) was opened in 1991.

Route between the cities of Novy Urengoy and Korotchaevo

The dark blue line on the map indicates the most optimal route between the cities of Novy Urengoy and Korotchaevo, modeled by a special computer program.
Flag marks with the letters “A” and “B” (green) show the starting and ending points of the route.

Regardless of your driving experience, you should always carefully study the upcoming path along its entire length, try to remember the most difficult sections and sections. It would also be a good idea to study the forks and turns shown on our map in advance.

This route between cities, perhaps, cannot be classified as overly complex and confusing. You will have to move mostly straight, there will be few sharp turns and sharp changes in direction.

Although the program algorithm is designed in such a way as to offer the driver the fastest route (for example, a route that goes around cities and large towns), however, this is not always possible. That is why it is important to take note and take into account the time of day when traveling vehicle through large populated areas, so as not to find yourself stuck in a rush hour traffic jam in an unfamiliar city.

On the other hand, nothing prevents you from turning the route between the cities of Novy Urengoy and Korotchaevo into a real adventure, since the path will run close scenic spots and beautiful cities that can once again remind the driver of the beauty and immensity native land. Many sights can be seen on the road from Kazan to Moscow, if you take care in advance to plan a route through given points.

The finished map can be saved on the local drive of any digital device, such as a laptop, tablet or smartphone, or printed to always have at hand while following a specific route. We wish you only pleasant trips, and our service will be happy to help you with this!


The nearest settlements to Novy Urengoy:

The nearest settlements to Korotchaevo:

The Korotchaevo Novy Urengoy train schedule currently contains 9 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 2 hours 11 m, and the number of stops on this route is 0. Trains running on the Korotchaevo Novy Urengoy route most often stop at stations, the schedule is according to which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction depart, for example, at 02.33, 06.45 from the Korotchaevo station, and arrive at the final destination of Novy Urengoy at 04.56, 09.11, respectively, local time. A large number of plying trains on the Korotchaevo Novy Urengoy schedule indicate that this route is in demand among passengers. The train schedule Korotchaevo - Novy Urengoy is designed in such a way that you can travel in this direction at night, in the morning, during the day, and in the evening.
You can buy tickets for the Korotchaevo - Novy Urengoy train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.