Cave "deep contempt". TES IV: Oblivion, The Vile Lair Cave Deep Contempt Oblivion walkthrough

Quest: Deep Contempt Cave (Deepscorn Hollow)

After installing the plugin "The Vile Lair", the hero will receive a note from Greywyn, stating that he has inherited a lair called "Deep Contempt" (Deepscorn Hollow), the entrance to which will be marked on the map.

The entrance is under water. Having emerged already in their new home, the player will find a magazine, which will say that the furnishings for the new home can be purchased from Rowley Eardwulf, who lives in the Wawnet Inn near Imperial City.

We buy all the furnishings and do not forget about the ichor needed to activate the sanctuary of Sithis. The quest is closed, and we enjoy the fruits of our labors.

The new haven of the hero consists of several levels: a cave (Deepscorn Hollow), an arcade (Deepscorn Croister) - from here there is also an additional exit from the lair, a bastion (Deepscorn Bastion) and a sanctuary (Deepscorn Shrine).

At the entrance you see a flower bed with poisonous plants - the source of the ingredients. It also grows the famous chokeberry (Chokeberry), which is similar in action to poisoned apples. Unfortunately, in the Construction Set it has a non-zero weight, so putting a berry in someone's pocket will not work. Corrects the situation with chokeberry.

At your service is the Dark Servant (Dark Minion). Once a week, he can be given a task to kill, and upon his return, pick up the victims' belongings from the trophy chest (Victim's Loot Chest). Please note that if his mission is successful, your notoriety will increase by 1. He may fail - this will not affect the reputation in any way, but the trophies will not increase either.

Grim Lair perfect for vampires. Not only in the bedroom a cozy coffin-bed awaits you, but also in the special room the prisoner sleeps peacefully - fresh blood is always available.

And, most importantly, if you are tired of vampirism, it costs nothing to get rid of it without suffering from the buggy quest of the "clean" Oblivion. After walking around your new home, find Purgeblood Salts, take them and wash the body in the Font of Renewal, touching the obelisk in its center.

After you pour the ichor you acquired from Rowley onto the altar of Sithis, you will be able to offer prayers and be cured of ailments. True, Sithis will descend only to the hero whose bad reputation is greater than good (in this case, in the churches of the Nine, you are denied blessing). At the same time, the higher the notoriety, the more Sithis benefits, rewarding the hero not only with a cure, but also with pleasant bonuses.

Curious books about Cyrodiil vampires await you in the study. And in the lockers and on the shelves you will find useful items, in particular, good armor of the Bloody Mark (Raiment of the Crimson Scar) and the blade Bloody Ripper (Crimson Eviscerator) (all - leveled). The attentive ones will also find four secret bags hidden by Gravin.

December 18, 2008 2:00

Another dwelling that you inherit is the Deep Contempt dungeon. It is located in the very south of the province, on the shores of the Topal Bay, southeast of Lyavin. The entrance to the cave "Deep Contempt" is located under water, near the half-submerged ruins of some building on a small island. Dive under the water and near the bottom you will see a structure resembling a large hollow tree trunk. Swim into it and there you will find a door leading to the dungeon. Having sailed from the other side, you will immediately find the "Gravin's journal" with a pearl lying on it. After reading it, you will find out that in order to arrange a new property, it will not hurt you to talk to Rowley Idwulf. Which you can find in the tavern "Vaunet", located west of the Imperial City, right after the bridge. You can buy furniture for your cave from Rowley, but get ready to shell out a fairly large amount right away. For an office, cell, "dark servant", garden, warehouse, bedroom, dining room and "Ichor Sithis" you will have to pay approximately 15,000 to 30,000 septims. As soon as you acquire all the furniture items, you can return back to the cave. I will begin the description of the newly acquired possibilities of the dungeon with a cave. As you get out of the water, you will immediately see a small garden that appeared in your absence, then to the left you will find a bedroom, combined with a training hall for shooting and hand-to-hand combat. After examining the cave, go to the premises of the "Arcade". There, on the left, you will find the obelisk "Font of Renewal", which will cure you of vampirism if you get "blood cleansing salts" from the crystals located in the same room. Going straight through the "Arcade", you will find a prison cell in which there is a sleeping prisoner. This is a prisoner of "Deep Contempt", which is intended solely for your sustenance if you are a vampire. The eternally sleeping prisoner (it is impossible to wake him up) gives you the opportunity to drink blood without fear of being unexpectedly caught in this dark occupation. After the Arcade, go to the Bastion, where the largest number your purchases. First of all, you will immediately see the dining room, located in the middle of the "Bastion". To the left of the dining room, an office will be equipped, and part-time a small library, and several books located there will be from the category of raising skills. On the right, there is a warehouse, which, in addition to the main purpose, can also be used as a bedroom, because it is equipped with a rather atmospheric coffin, in which you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the earth. During the tour of the dungeon, you will meet a strange creature, definitely of a vampire kind, called the "Dark Servant". This comrade will not hesitate to kill anyone at your one word. Who specifically will remain unknown, but if he successfully completed his task, then your negative reputation increases by one point. After the raid of the Dark Servant, you also do not hurt to rummage through the "Chest with trophies", which is located in the training room. It remains to tell you about the last room in the dungeon called "Sanctuary". It can become useful to you only if your bad reputation is higher than your good one. In the sanctuary, you will need a bottle of "Ichor Sithis", acquired in addition to furniture items for "Deep Contempt". Pour a bottle of Ichor into the bowl in front of the statue of the god Sithis, after which you can use the altar of Sithis, which is in fact a complete analogue of the large altar in any city chapel. The favor of the deity depends on the amount of notoriety (the essence does not change much). Additionally, depending on the amount of notoriety (no more than 20, from 21 to 50, from 51 to 90, from 91 and above), you are granted a very long increase in health, dexterity, sneaking ability, and the "Chameleon" spell can also be applied. At the end of the review of "Deep Contempt" I would like to tell you about one more bonus. On the territory of the cave you can find several caches of Greyvin, which contain quite significant sums of money, as well as many valuable gems and jewelry. Caches are small, inconspicuous pouches hidden in the most secluded corners of Deep Contempt. So that you do not waste extra time searching for these caches, I will describe their detailed location. Greyvin's first cache is in a room with a small flower bed, in one of its corners next to a stalagmite protruding from the ground. Greyvin's second stash is at the bottom of the Purification Font. Well, the last, the third cache of Greyvin, is located to the left of the entrance to the cell of the prisoner "Deep Contempt".

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Deep Contempt (Deepscorn Hollow)

By downloading the game after installing the official plugin Grim Lair (The Vile Lair), you get a note about the suddenly fallen inheritance - the underground shelter Deep Contempt, and the key to it (if you start a new game with this plugin, the quest will be activated immediately after leaving the training dungeon). The property is located on the southern tip of Cyrodiil, southeast of Leyawiin. On the global map (tab F4), a label will appear that is available for fast travel, but of course, you can get to the shelter on foot or on horseback.

Initial setting

In the blood-stained note you received, Greywyn, the last of The Crimson Scars, writes that he leaves you his home and all that is in it, and for this he asks you to follow the path of shadows and glorify Sithis by the darkest of deeds. Take a trip if you're interested...

Once in place, you see an island with the burnt ruins of a house, the entrance to the cave you are looking for is found under water. At the entrance, on a stool, lies Greywyn's Journal, which describes the history of the Red Marks and the creation of the shelter. After reading the journal, it becomes known that everything necessary to revive the gloomy lair can be purchased from Rowley Eardwulf in the Waunet tavern ( Wawnet Inn) near the Imperial City.After bypassing the room, an emergency entrance is found - a hatch leading to the shore of Topal Bay.Without improvements, the following are available:

Therapeutic pool

The Font of Renewal is a pool of water in the Arcade (Deepscorn Cloister) where lifesteal can be cured using Purgeblood Salts. The ingredient is mined from crystals right in the same room as the pool itself. You can get rid of vampirism at any time, even when you first appear in the shelter.

This method is very easy and simple, compared to the treatment of a tedious and bug-ridden quest. Moreover, if you heal in the font of renewal, you can get the quest The Cure for Vampirism without being a vampire. The quest will start in exactly the same way - with a conversation in any chapel with a healer.

Map of Greyvin's hideout and caches

Map of Deepscorn Hollow Cave with Greyvin's caches marked on it (jpg 600x869 191kb).

Enchanted Daedric Dagger - Crimson Eviscerator

Form ID
Enchantment Effects PriceDamage
Number of uses
Charge/Cost = Uses
Absorption: Strength (Absorb Strength) 3pt for 5sec
Damage Health 5pt
Magic Damage (Damage Magicka) 5pt
Vulnerable. Weakness to Poison 5%
280 6
Absorption: Strength (Absorb Strength) 7pt for 5sec
Damage Health 15pt
Magic Damage (Damage Magicka) 15pt
Vulnerable. Weakness to Poison 15%
1480 13
Absorption: Strength (Absorb Strength) 10pts for 5sec
Damage Health 20pts
Magic Damage (Damage Magicka) 20pt
Vulnerable. Weakness to Poison 20%
2400 15
Absorption: Strength (Absorb Strength) 12pts for 5sec
Damage Health 25pt
Magic Damage (Damage Magicka) 25pt
Vulnerable. Weakness to Poison 25%
3666 17
Absorption: Strength (Absorb Strength) 15pts for 5sec
Damage Health (30pts)
Magic Damage (Damage Magicka) 30pt
Vulnerable. Weakness to Poison 30%
5799 19
Absorption: Strength (Absorb Strength) 20pts for 5sec
Damage Health (Damage Health) 35pt
Magic Damage (Damage Magicka) 35pt
Vulnerable. Weakness to Poison 35%
7031 20


Rowley Eardwulf sells and buys on the stairs of the Waunet Tavern, is an apprentice in trade with 2000 cash, and is also a stealth specialist trainer. You should purchase all of the Sanctuary Furnishings from him, as well as the Ichor of Sithis to pour into the Ichor Vessel in the Sanctuary, at which point the quest will be completed. The table below shows the cost of upgrades (acquisition price differs from the base cost depending on the value of the trade skill of your hero and seller) and short description furnished rooms, details are given for those who are especially interesting.

Bugs: In some cases, when you first appear on the island, the quest does not advance to stage 20 - "The Cave of Deep Contempt is in front of me. It's worth going inside this secret hideout." If this happens, then Rowley's list of goods will not include upgrades for the lair. To fix this, you can try to make a fast travel somewhere and back to the island or register the quest stage through the console:

~setstage DLCDeepscorn 20

Form ID
base cost
base price
Deep Contempt Bedroom
Deepscorn Hollow Bedroom Area
1750 A cozy sleeping coffin and a table with various items and ingredients.
Deep Contempt, prisoner's chamber
Deepscorn Hollow Cattle Cell
1750 A prison cell with an eternally sleeping captive is a hassle-free vampire food.
Deep Contempt, canteen
Deepscorn Hollow Dining Area
1750 Tables with food and cabinets, improved lighting.
Deep Contempt, Dark Servant
Deepscorn Hollow Dark Minion
1750 The Dark Servant and the furnishings of his room.
Deep Contempt, Warehouse
Deepscorn Hollow Storage Area
1750 Various chests and boxes, including a chest with a supply of Greyvin's poisons (12 pieces).
Deep Contempt, Cabinet
Deepscorn Hollow Study
1750 A table and shelves with books, including two new ones and several skill books.
Deep Contempt, garden
Deepscorn Hollow Garden Receipt
1750 Garden of poisonous plants, incl. deadly poisonous aronia (Chokeberry Vine).
Ichor Sitis
Ichor of Sithis
3000 A potion needed to activate the Shrine of Sithis.

prisoner's chamber

This is a prison cell with an eternally sleeping prisoner, which is very convenient for a hungry vampire - now there is no need to go somewhere in search of a suitable sleeping victim. The prisoner cannot be awakened by any means available and cannot be killed. Therefore, some enterprising players can train on it, developing their hero's skills in stealth, destruction, blades, etc.

Happy hunting

As a result of this improvement, you have a Dark Servant who can be sent to kill in the name of Sithis and in your favor - he will bring the victim's things in case of a successful hunt. The Dark Servant is usually in the Bastion or in his cave - there he sleeps, practices on a punching bag, gardens nearby or paints - using some beautiful work as a canvas, spoiling it with paint-blood. At any time, you can order him to go to kill, after which he disappears for several days. You will receive the news of his return only if you are in the shelter (but there is such a bug that the Servant disappears and does not appear anymore, in some cases this bug can be solved if you go to the hatch leading to the shore of Topal Bay). A Dark Servant's hunt has a 25% chance of failing. If the hunt is successful, then you will add a unit of notoriety (Infamy) and you will receive the victim's things - they will be in the chest with trophies (Victims Loot Chest). Things in the chest do not disappear if they are not picked up on time, but accumulate. The Dark Servant can bring and place the following items in the chest:

  • gold, the amount depends on the level,
  • jewelry - 25%,
  • enchanted armor - 10%,
  • enchanted weapons - 10%,
  • unenchanted weapons - 25%,
  • soul stones - 10%,
  • master keys - 25%,
  • potions - 25%,
  • poisons - 25%.


Upon acquiring the furnishings of the bedroom, the old ordinary bed is replaced with a sleeping coffin. This is very suitable for a vampire - and who else would agree to sleep in a coffin? Also, several shelves and a table with various ingredients and a set of Beginner level alchemy apparatuses appear in the room. Among the ingredients on the table, pay attention to the dug up Nirnroot (Nirnroot) - it respawns every three days, and this is the only renewing source of Nirnroots in the game. Although, in my opinion, collecting one root every three days to get 100 pieces for Sinderion (quest Finding your roots) is too long, it's better to look for them in nature.


A table and shelves with books appear in the study, including two new ones about vampires and five books of skills. New books - Manifesto Cyrodiil Vampyrum and Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie. Skill Books:

  • Sithis - Alteration,
  • Immortal Blood - Hand to Hand,
  • Rislav the Righteous - Light Armor,
  • The Gold Ribbon of Merit - Marksman,
  • Sacred Witness - Sneak.


Unfortunate gardener

After purchasing this upgrade, the garden of poisonous plants grows very quickly in the cave. Of particular note among them is the deadly aronia (Chokeberry Vine). Full list garden plants:

  • Aronia (Chokeberry Vine) - 3 pcs.,
  • Sarkoscifa bright red (Elf Cup) - 5 pcs.,
  • Fennel (Fennel) - 4 pcs.,
  • Ginseng (Ginseng Plant) - 6 pcs.,
  • Thistle (Milk Thistle) - 5 pcs.,
  • Ipomoea (Morning Glory) - 2 pcs.,
  • Nightshade (Nightshade Plant) - 6 pcs.,
  • Flower tail fusiform (Stinkhorn) - 10 pcs.,

Ichor Sitis

Ichor of Sithis is the potion needed to activate the Sanctuary, all you have to do is pour it into a vessel of ichor. But only evil characters can count on the blessing of Sithis - it is required that notoriety (Infamy) exceed good (Fame). A good hero will see only a message that it would be necessary to reject the nobility. However, if you've completed the Thieves Guild quests and have the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, you can trick Sithis into wearing the hood. In this case, the good reputation will be reset for a while, and the bad one will become equal to 100 and the blessing received will be the best (it depends on the amount of notoriety, all options are shown in the table below). You can only receive a blessing once a day.

Bad reputation
Call of Sithis
Call of Sithis

Fortify Health 10pt
900 sec
Cry of Sithis
Scream of Sithis
21-50 Cure Disease
Restore health (Restore Health) 200pkt

Restore all attributes (Restore All Attributes) 100pts
Fortify: Fortify Agility 2pt
Upgrade: Fortify Sneak 5pts
900 sec
Cry of Sithis
Lament of Sithis
51-90 Cure Disease
Restore health (Restore Health) 200pkt
Fortify Health 15pt
Restore all attributes (Restore All Attributes) 100pts

Fortify: Fortify Sneak 10pts
1000 sec
Die Song of Sithis
Death Knell of Sithis
90+ Cure Disease
Restore health (Restore Health) 200pkt
Fortify Health 15pt
Restore all attributes (Restore All Attributes) 100pts
Fortify: Fortify Agility 10pts

Chameleon 50%
1200 sec

Final Prize - Blood Mark Armor

After acquiring the entire furnishings of the shelter, you may notice that furniture has been added to the bedroom - Greywyn's Armoire has appeared. It will have leveled armor of the Bloody Mark (Raiment of the Crimson Scar), which in appearance is no different from the armor of stealth of the Dark Fraternities (no hood).

Form ID
Enchantment Effects Price Coeff. protection
Fortify: Fortify Agility 3pts
Increase: Speed ​​(Fortify Speed) 3pts
Upgrade: Fortify Sneak 5pts
Promotion: Marksman (Fortify Marksman) 5pt
Fortify: Fortify Blade 5pts
Reflect Damage 10%
6102 13
Fortify: Fortify Agility 5pts
Fortify: Fortify Speed ​​5pts
Promotion: Fortify Sneak 8pts
Promotion: Marksman (Fortify Marksman) 8pt
Promotion: Fortify Blade 8pts
Reflect Damage 15%
9404 16
Fortify: Fortify Agility 7pt
Increase: Speed ​​(Fortify Speed) 7pt
Fortify: Fortify Sneak 10pts
Promotion: Marksman (Fortify Marksman) 10pts
Fortify: Fortify Blade 10pts
Reflect Damage 20%
12406 18
Fortify: Fortify Agility 9pts
Fortify: Fortify Speed ​​9pts
Fortify: Fortify Sneak 15pts
Promotion: Marksman (Fortify Marksman) 15pts
Upgrade: Fortify Blade 15pts
Reflect Damage 25%
16308 21
Fortify: Fortify Agility 11pts
Increase: Speed ​​(Fortify Speed) 11pts
Fortify: Fortify Sneak 20pts
Promotion: Marksman (Fortify Marksman) 20pt
Fortify: Fortify Blade 20pts
Reflect Damage 30%
20210 24
Fortify: Fortify Agility 15pts
Increase: Speed ​​(Fortify Speed) 15pts
Fortify: Fortify Sneak 25pts
Promotion: Marksman (Fortify Marksman) 25pt
Upgrade: Fortify Blade 25pts
Reflect Damage 35%
24512 30

Note: First two digits xx in all given on this page Form ID change depending on the number of plug-ins connected and the order of their connection from 01 to FE.

* - There is a variation of this dagger for levels 5-9, but due to a bug in the game it does not appear.