Why do you need to say hello and why have all people said hello since time immemorial? Who says hello first? How to say hello? Why people have been saying hello since time immemorial

Why do people say hello? From the first months of life, caring parents begin to teach their rosy-cheeked baby to greet the world around him by waving his chubby hand and are sincerely touched if the baby begins to repeat this simple gesture himself. Later, educators and teachers join this process, constantly reminding them that well-mannered children must greet their elders. But the little ones, naive in their simplicity, do not attach any importance to this. Only after growing up does a person understand the importance of a sincere greeting, which becomes an integral part of our lives.

Where does “Hello!” begin...

Having barely risen from all fours, the future man began to realize the importance of the team. It was calmer and safer next to the same shaggy and clumsy upright walking primates. Natural selection in the wild was very large, so Australopithecines were very happy when they saw their relatives and uttered peculiar cries that meant: "I'm just like you!", "You don't have to be afraid of me". In response, he received the same piercing growl and both were satisfied with this meeting.

With the development of humanity, wild screams and growls were replaced by certain gestures. When meeting, the savages showed their palms raised up, demonstrating the absence of weapons, this meant: “I come in peace!” Each tribe had its own ritual greeting, which served as a password for its own, and strangers were greeted with hostility and subjected to careful scrutiny. Later, the greeting took shape in words, phrases and gestures, but everything, just like two million years ago, remains an integral part of our lives.

What might a greeting be like?

Depending on the situation, the people around us and the events taking place, greetings can be pronounced in different words and with different intonations. The most common forms of greeting:

  • Casual . This is a neutral form of communication between familiar people who do not experience strong emotions towards each other. In this case, gender, age or social status does not matter. By this, a person simply indicates his acquaintance with the interlocutor and the degree of his upbringing.
  • Related . The simplest and slightly dismissive form of greeting. Relatives already know everything you feel for them, so in many families the usual “Hello!” and a quick one on the cheek.
  • Official or business . Most often it is expressed with a handshake and immediately provides additional information about the partner. It can be a weak handshake with a cold palm or a strong and confident one, and sometimes downright aggressive. This form of greeting strongly conveys the energy message and inner mood.
  • Playful, kissy . This is how girls usually greet each other, and behind the screen of delight it is very difficult to understand the sincere feelings for the interlocutor. This can be either sincere joy or outright envy or hatred.
  • Stormy . This greeting is only acceptable with very close friends or loved ones. With loud exclamations, you can throw yourself into hugs, while kissing and patting only someone whom you have not seen for a long time and whom you miss terribly.
  • Original and unusual . This could be a certain dance of hands, a combination of coordinated movements, a kind of password, indicating close friendships.
  • Uncertain .This is how people who don’t know each other or are usually greeted when they accidentally crossed their eyes and want to show their politeness. This could be a slight nod of the head or a silent movement of the lips.

How to determine a person's character by the way he greets

A greeting is the calling card of anyone. By the intonation and confidence with which he declares himself, one can get an accurate idea of ​​his state and emotional background. Insecure people say this quietly and shyly. Leaders speak up loudly and defiantly. Fraudsters ingratiate themselves and fawn. Arrogant or ignorant people do this condescendingly and reluctantly. The usual greeting can be evidenced by:

  • Respect;
  • Close or formal relationships;
  • Timidity;
  • Anger and irritability;
  • Indifference;
  • Arrogance or disdain;
  • Love;
  • Sincere participation and desire to help;
  • Attachment.

How they do it in other countries

The modern world has more than two hundred countries and each of them has its own traditions, customs and mentality, which have been formed over thousands of years. Each culture has its own greeting characteristics that must be taken into account:

  • In New Zealand there is still a custom of greeting by touching and slightly rubbing noses;
  • In Tibet, when meeting, they stick out their tongue and cross their palms on their chest;
  • In Tuvalu they press their face to their cheek and take a deep breath;
  • In Mongolia, a dear guest is solemnly presented with a white silk ribbon, which is a sign of special respect;
  • In Japan, deep and prolonged bows to the waist are customary;
  • Kenya welcomes guests with ritual dances with high jumps;

All these wonderful traditions are gradually becoming a thing of the past, being replaced by the usual European handshake.

On average, every working day a person says “Hello!” more than twenty times and doesn’t even think about the fact that this is not only a sign of respect and a sign of good manners, but a strong energy message to the universe. Believers sincerely believe that even the enemy should be wished good health, because as a result, all our messages return to us like a boomerang with triple strength. This happens at the energetic level, so you need to be very careful in your wishes, especially if it is said in the heat of the moment.

Many of us notice that the simplest word “hello,” spoken with a friendly smile, instantly lifts our mood and improves our well-being. By doing this, the interlocutor makes it clear that he wishes you well-being and is friendly, and this is very important even for inveterate cynics. From all of the above, we can conclude that saying hello is great! With just one word you can convey to your interlocutor the entire range of your feelings and set him in the right mood, set the tone for your future relationship and become a little happier.

The study was carried out by 4b grade students under my guidance.

The topic of our work: “Why you need to say hello.” In the 4th grade, a new subject, ORKSE, appeared, during which we began to discuss more various issues relating to our lives, study issues of moral behavior, and discussed what is important to us and what will be useful in life. We considered politeness to be one of the most important rules. We are sure that all children know polite words, but rarely use them in speech. During these lessons, the conversation often came up about greetings. The children's attention was drawn to the fact that they must say hello to all school employees and all adult guests of the school, but still many applied this rule only to the teachers and technical employees working with them. Once we discussed why we need to say hello to those we don’t know at all. The question arose: Why do you need to say hello? We decided to conduct our own research on this topic...



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Why do you need to say hello?

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 10 named after Hero of the Soviet Union D.E. Kudinova, Vyazma, Smolensk region Topic “Why do you need to say hello? » Nomination “Research” in the direction: Social sciences (economics, psychology, aesthetics) Students of 4th grade B: Valeria Burenkova, Anton Chumakov, Alena Nazarkina. FULL NAME. head, position: Starodubova Larisa Sergeevna, primary school teacher

Introduction. 1.1. Relevance of the topic. The topic of our work: “Why you need to say hello.” In the 4th grade, a new subject, ORKSE, appeared, during the lessons of which we began to discuss more various issues relating to our lives, study issues of moral behavior, and discussed what is important to us and will be useful in life. During these lessons, the conversation often came up about greetings. The children's attention was drawn to the fact that they must say hello to all school employees and all adult guests of the school, but still not everyone applied this rule. Once we discussed why we need to say hello to those we don’t know at all. The question arose: Why do you need to say hello? We decided to conduct our own research on this topic.

1.2. Goal of the work. The purpose of this research work is to study the question: Why do children, and even adults, sometimes not say hello? The goal determined the formulation of the main tasks: to study the history of the issue; research the state of affairs in our primary school; conduct a survey; analyze the results of the questionnaires; carry out events that will change people’s attitudes towards this problem; systematize the material.

1.6. The research hypothesis is the assumption that: Children do not say hello, because they are not accustomed from childhood, their parents do not say hello. Children do not say hello because they are too shy and shy, timid and perhaps fearful. Children do not say hello because they do not understand why this is necessary.

Our teacher always drew our attention to the fact that children do not want to say hello. Nowadays this trend also applies to adults; you can often observe parents of students who entered the school and, without greeting, calmly walked past the teachers, the janitor and even the director. And again the question was discussed: Should we say hello and why? The guys suggested finding information about this and telling it at the next lesson. A week later, almost all the guys came with reports. Someone found information on the Internet, someone wrote their own essay. We discussed this issue for a long time and decided to analyze the situation - to find out how many people say hello and how many don’t.


In order to count this, we arrived at school at 7.15 am and tried to count the number of students coming and saying hello. It was not easy to do this, especially since there are 474 people studying in the first shift. For 3 days in a row we came and counted, but our numbers varied, and it was impossible to keep track of everyone. Then we decided to observe the smallest students in grades 1-2, and there are also a lot of them - 140 people.


Children say hello / don't say hello Parents with friends with teachers with a janitor with the director say hello / don't say hello 46+, 81- 7+, 120- 24+, 103- 21+, 107- 12+, 24- 37% 63% 6% 94 % 19% 81% 16% 84% 34% 66% Next, we compared the children’s results, found the arithmetic mean and recorded the data in a table. This is what happened.

Let's take a closer look at all the indicators in the diagrams:

Our classmates were especially surprised and even indignant that adults: mothers, fathers, grandmothers did not say hello.

And when we were preparing questionnaires for children, there was a proposal to give them to parents so that they could explain why they did not say hello.


Test questions always often rarely never 1. Do you say hello to salespeople in a store 41% 22% 20% 37% 2. Do you say hello to your teacher at school? 83% 17% - - 3 . Do you say hello to other teachers at school 37% 30% 19% 14% 4. Do you greet technical employees at school 10% 22% 42% 26% 5. Do you say hello to the school principal 89% 6% 4% 1% 6. Do you greet school guests at school 19% 26% 52% 3% 7. I don’t say hello because I’m embarrassed 18% I forget 32% I don’t know this person 48% I don’t think it’s necessary 2% 8. Am I a cultured person, can I behave like an adult Yes 90% No 4% Both yes and no 6 % Next, we conducted a survey of elementary school students. The results in the table are presented in %. The situation may not be entirely objective, since the children could respond, trying to be better. But in general, the results correspond to reality. We did not survey 1st grade students, but 71 people from 2nd grade, 77 people from 3rd grade. , 4 classes - 45 people. Total: 193 people.

We decided to have conversations with the students, tell them about what we had read, and discuss “The Parable of the Man Who Never Greeted.” After these conversations, we checked whether the situation had changed.

Children say hello Parents HAVE BEEN with friends with teachers with a janitor with the director say hello 37% 63% 6% 94% 19% 81% 16% 84% 34% 66% BECAME BECAME 59% 41% 28% 72% 42% 58% 37% 63% 32% 68% Again came on duty in the foyer before the start of classes, observed again. The children who listened to our speeches, recognizing the speakers, began to smile and say hello. The situation has changed.

The diagram shows the number of children and parents greeting each other, which was and is now. So, students became more friendly and polite; on average, 22% more children began to say hello. But, unfortunately, the number of parents greeting has even decreased.

Then we decided to change the situation with the parents, to do this, publish a newspaper for them and prepare reminders.

When we published the newspaper, we hung it in the hall and watched. She aroused the interest of parents who came for their children. And soon, we began to notice that those parents who had not said hello before began to say hello. This means that everything is not in vain, there is a result!

You need to know the rules and etiquette of greetings. After all, life is all about people, communication, partings, and inevitable meetings. An ill-mannered person in any society, at all times, was perceived only negatively, even if he had a lot of other wonderful virtues. And in our time, nothing has changed - a person who does not say hello will NEVER be truly accepted into any team, will not find friends, and will certainly NEVER be called a cultured person!

We hope that the students of our school will always say hello: both to teachers and to all adults IN OUR SCHOOL AND BEYOND!!!

Thank you for your attention!

– What word will be universal? (Hello).

Hello is a word that is used when meeting as a greeting phrase in Russian. However, the actual meaning of the word is a wish for health. Just like “I wish you good health,” it has been customary since ancient times and was considered a gesture of respect when greeting. The expression comes from the word “hello” - to be healthy, to exist safely

– Who says hello first – this question worries many. Now we will also discuss this issue and analyze several situations.
1 situation. “Who greets first, in pairs: junior and senior; boss and subordinate?
Who greets first if a boy and a girl meet?
Who greets first if two boys meet?
(the first to greet the younger is the older, the subordinate of the boss, the man (boy, boy) the woman (girl, girl).
Situation 2. “You are walking with a friend down the street. He greeted a person you didn’t know and paused. Should I say hello to you too?” (Yes).
3 situation. “You entered the bus from the back platform and saw your friends standing at the front door. Do you need to say hello, and if so, how to do it?”
Nod, wave.
4 situation. “On the way to school, you meet the same person every day, but you don’t know him. Is it proper to say hello in such cases?”
5 situation. “Who shakes hands first, the elder to the younger or the younger to the elder, the superior to the subordinate or vice versa, the man to the woman or vice versa?
(The elder is the first to extend his hand to the younger, and the girl, woman, or boss is the first to offer his hand to his subordinate.)
6 situation. “Who greets first – the person entering the room or the people already in it?” Incoming
7 situation. “What if you meet a person several times a day?”
The richness of the Russian language allows you to alternate greetings, starting with “good morning” and ending with “good night”. When you meet a friend in the morning, you can say “hello” to him. And, having met him again during the day, nod politely and say “good afternoon.” If you meet someone (for example, a teacher) at every break, it is not at all necessary to say words every time; at the second and subsequent meetings, you can limit yourself to a smile or a polite nod.
8 situation. “How to say hello if the person is too far away?”
In this case, it is enough to simply bow to him or wave your hand; there is no need to shout to the whole street. And if the distance exceeds 30 steps, you don’t have to say hello at all.
The French say: “The one who is politest greets first.” If you follow this simple rule, you will never go wrong.

There is even such an unusual holiday as World Hello Day, which is celebrated on November 21. It was invented by two American brothers in 1973, and now more than 140 countries around the world are participating in this holiday game. (The brothers decided to express their protest against the increase in international tension in an original way - by sending letters of greetings to all corners of the world. In these letters they asked the addressee to greet someone else, at least a few people. This is how a new holiday appeared, which is celebrated today in many countries peace.)
Essentially, it’s just a game, with very simple rules - each participant in the game must wholeheartedly greet at least 10 strangers throughout the day.

Once upon a time there lived a man. He somehow thought about the essence of his being and came to the conclusion that he spoke a lot of words per day, and decided that he needed to be more thrifty. And he thought: “Well, why do I say hello to people every day in the morning and say goodbye to people in the evening? There’s no point in doing this. I don’t wish harm on people, which means they can do without my greetings and farewells!” No sooner said than done!

He wakes up in the morning, walks down the street and doesn’t say hello to anyone! He walks, smiles, it’s great, they say, he came up with it.

At first, people greeted him out of habit; they looked and said nothing. But our man doesn’t notice anything, he walks down the street happy - a great idea!

Then people just started nodding their heads at him when they met, but again he didn’t answer, he just smiled. And so, little by little, they completely stopped paying attention to him. It got to the point where he enters the room - but no one turns their head in his direction, sits down on a chair - and the person, not seeing him, also sits down on the chair, as if it were empty...

Well, okay! - thought the man, - don’t let them notice! I can live on my own! That's all I am!

He said this and approached the mirror.

And in the mirror there is nothing. No, the sofa, of course, was reflected in the mirror, the wall was reflected. But our man is gone!

Hey!!! - he shouted and banged his hands on the mirror, - where am I??? Where did I go???

And the mirror says:

Who was that shouting here? Now the restless creatures have gone! They shout something, but hide themselves!

Where am I hiding? I'm standing here, right in front of you!

And the mirror, I must say, was wise, it immediately became clear to him what the matter was, and it said to the person:

How many years have I lived in the world, but the same thing repeats itself! Just as a person stops greeting everyone, he immediately disappears! He becomes invisible, as if he had never lived.

The man burst into tears (only his tears were not visible either!), He didn’t know what to do.

He ran out into the street.

“Hello, hello,” he shouts, but no one pays attention to him!

He returns home, runs up to the mirror again, asks what to do, what to do.

And the mirror answers him:

Yes, what was once lost can now not be made up soon, and you can’t get it back at all, but there is one magic remedy! If you go outside, say: “Hello, sunshine!” The sun will notice you. Then say hello to the wind, then to the trees on the path. And they will notice you too. And then, maybe, people will pay attention to you.

Whether it was long or short, only our man, going out into the street, first said hello to the sun, then said hello to the wind, said hello to the trees and birds... Then people began to notice him and returned his greetings with greetings.

And such a person lives among us somewhere. He greets everyone, he realized that “hello” is not an empty phrase, that people and all living beings need him.

Tale of the Magician Lado

Essay “Why you need to say hello” 5th grade

Since childhood, my parents told me that you need to say hello when you meet a person. They themselves always say “hello” or “hello” to their friends. And not only to acquaintances. For example, when they buy something in a store, they always say “hello” to the seller before doing so. Saying hello when meeting someone means being polite. This is how we show the person that we respect him and are glad to meet him.

In fact, the word “hello” is not simple. It means that we wish a person health and well-being. And that’s always nice to hear. And I also believe that you should say hello even to your family members. When you get up, you need to say “good morning” to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa. I think it cheers us all up.

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