If there is “reliable information” about their capture by terrorists. Ensuring security during the hijacking of an aircraft Rules of conduct during the hijacking of an aircraft by terrorists

Www.ventadeboletosenlinea.inah.gob.mx Monte Albán fue la antigua capital de los zapotecos y una de las primeras ciudades de Mesoamérica y más populosas durante su auge, se fundó aproximadamente 500 años a. C., floreciendo hasta 750 d. C. Ubicado en el centro del Valle de Oaxaca, Monte Albán ejercía control político, económico e ideológico sobre otras comunidades en el valle y las montañas circundantes. Sus principales edificaciones: La Gran Plaza, Juego de Pelota, Sistema II, Los Danzantes, Edificio J, Edificios Centrales G. H. I., El Palacio, Plataforma Sur, Sistema 7 Venado y Tumba No. 7. La Gran Plaza. Tiene 200 m. de largo por 200 m. de ancho, por lo que se tuvo que recortar las salientes rocosas y rellenar algunos huecos. Juego de Pelota: Se localiza a la izquierda de la entrada a la Gran Plaza, presenta las características propias de los juegos de pelota de la región. Esta cancha está delimitada por dos estructuras a los lados de base rectangular, con talud muy inclinado; la de oriente presenta en la parte superior una escultura que representa un chapulín, la plataforma ubicada al poniente presenta una escalinata, flanqueada por dos alfardas terminadas en talud, con dos estelas en la parte superior, en las esquinas de las cabeceras hay dos pequeños nichos . Sistema II: Es una estructura de dos cuerpos con una escalinata, flanqueada por dos alfardas, terminadas en talud y tableros de doble escapulario. En la parte superior hay un pequeño templo de base rectangular con cinco columnas al frente y otras tantas atrás sin muros laterales; al sur de este elemento hay un túnel techado con bóveda angular que nos comunica con los edificios centrales. Los Danzantes: Esta edificación de tres cuerpos pertenece a la época III B, con muros de talud recubiertos con lápidas esculpidas con las representaciones de figuras humanas en posiciones muy extrañas y con rasgos físicos característicos de la escultura olmeca. Edificio "J": Se encuentra separado de los otros edificios, es sin duda uno de los más interesantes, debido a su orientación y forma. Semeja una punta de flecha, es de dos cuerpos, su escalinata está orientada hacia el noroeste, sus muros son verticales, recubiertos con lápidas con inscripciones, se cree que la cámara anterior sirvió para observaciones astronómicas, pero esto no está demostrado; esta edificación pertenece a la época II. Edificios Centrales G. H. I.: Estas edificaciones se encuentran ubicadas en la parte central de la Gran Plaza. El edificio central "H" es el más grande es de dos cuerpos, con una gran escalinata, dos tumbas y el templo en la parte superior con dos cámaras y dos columnas a la entrada, muy pegadas a los muros laterales. Se cree que esta edificación pertenece a la época III A, se siguió utilizando a finales de la época III B. Frente a la escalinata principal hay un pequeño template de base cuadrangular, en la que se encontró la famosa máscara del Dios Murciélago, elaborada en jade. El Palacio: Es una estructura integrada por dos cuerpos, con una escalinata central, con alfardas terminadas en forma de talud, presenta en la parte superior 13 cuartos agrupados alrededor de un patio central, en la portada de acceso a este conjunto hay un dintel, recientemente colocado. Plataforma Sur: Es una estructura muy grande que cierra la plaza por ese lado. De dos cuerpos, en la parte superior hay dos montículos, desde este lugar se puede observar completamente la Gran Plaza Ceremonial. En la parte inferior de ésta y en las esquinas están empotradas varias estelas con relieves de figuras zoomorfas, así como algunas ofrendas. Sistema 7 Venado: Para llegar a este lugar es recomendable caminar sobre la parte superior de la plataforma sur, hacia el sudeste que se ubica a unos 250 m. de distance fuera de la Plaza Principal. Son cuatro estructuras alrededor de una plaza orientada hacia los cuatro puntos cardinales. Tumba no. 7: Al explorarla el 6 de enero de 1932, el arqueólogo mexicano Dr. Alfonso Caso, se encontró un entierro con una rica cantidad de ofrendas, considerada como un gran tesoro arqueológico, mismo que es expuesto en el Museo de las Culturas. La disposición de la tumba es de base rectangular, integrada por anterrecámara y cámara con cubierta de bóveda angular. Es de las pocas que se han encontrado, aunque ya deteriorada con sus ofrendas intactas. Información Adicional La Zona Arqueológica de Monte Albán, perteneciente a la cultura zapoteca, es la más importante en el área oaxaqueña. Su desarrollo cultural y su arquitectura monumental la han hecho representativa de la región, en el ámbito mesoamericano. El conjunto prehispánico se asienta en la cumbre de una colina que sobresale al sudoeste de la ciudad de Oaxaca. Se encuentra a 1948 m.s.n.m. (400 más que el nivel del valle de Oaxaca). El nombre prehispánico de Monte Albán no se ha identificado con precisión. Los descendientes más cercanos a los zapotecos mencionaron que el cerro era conocido como: Dhauya quch o Dauyacach "Cerro de Piedras Preciosas". Por su parte, los mixtecos lo identificaron como Yucucui "Cerro Verde". A partir del siglo XVII, el lugar se conoce con el nombre de Monte Albán, debido a que, en ese tiempo, los terrenos pertenecieron a un español de apellido Monte Albán o Montalbán. El doctor Alfonso Caso, arqueólogo mexicano, estuvo a cargo de las primeras exploraciones y restauraciones de la zona arqueológica. Su proyecto, que contuvo 18 temporadas, inició en 1931 y terminó en 1958. de otras , en cuanto a su organización social, densidad de población y actividad de intercambio. De esta manera estableció cinco épocas denominándolas: Monte Albán I, II, III, IV y V; a partir del año 500 a. C. hasta el año 1521 de nuestra era; cada una de ellas con sus respectivas subdivisiones. Estas épocas sumaron un total de catorce siglos de ocupación continua, más seis siglos en que, de alguna manera, el sitio, ya abandonado, fue importante para los habitantes del Valle de Oaxaca. Con esto llegó al reconocimiento formal de que las dos principales culturas que hicieron posible la historia prehispánica de Oaxaca fueron: la zapoteca y la mixteca. El área explorada y restaurada corresponde al centro de la antigua ciudad zapoteca; abarca 7 kilometros del conjunto total, que se extiende a más de 20 kilometros cuadrados. Abarca varios cerros, entre ellos los cerros del Gallo y el Bonete; la zona colinda con las agencias de San Martín Mexico y San Juan Chapultepec y con los municipios de Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, San Pedro Ixtlahuaca y Santa María Atzompa. La Plaza Principal, centro integrador del conjunto, está rodeada por basamentos piramidales, terrazas, plazas, patios y adoratorios, donde yacían templos y palacios. Todos estos espacios arquitectónicos están construidos a base de piedra. La mayoría de ellos muestran la última época de construcción; sin embargo, en algunos puede observarse partes correspondientes a las primeras épocas, las cuales permiten notar las superposiciones que ocurrieron en el curso de los siglos. Los edificios se caracterizan por su diseño horizontal, acentuado por las escalinatas bordeadas por alfardas que rematan con un tablero, llamado de doble escapulario, típica visión zapoteca del tema teotihuacano, tablero sobre talud. El tablero escapulario, elemento decorativo, característico por su Silueta en forma de E, acostada y alargada, se refuerza por su sencillo remetimiento de paños, y contribuye, no solo a recortar los principales volúmenes de los templos y palacios, sino a conferir unidad a La diversidad del conjunto. Los edificios más característicos que se distribuyen alrededor de la Plaza son: Juego de Pelota, Templo II, Templo P, Palacio Este y Templo Q (lado este); El Juego de Pelota sobresale por su integridad, y el Palacio Este por sus aposentos que contiene. Templo G, H, I y J (al centro de la plaza); el Edificio J se ha considerado como el primer observatorio astronómico en Mesoamérica; es muy característico por la declinación de su eje central respecto a la orientación de los demás edificios, así como por sus relieves denominados de las conquistas. Plataforma Sur (al sur); sobresale por su monumentalidad y por los relieves de su basamento, los cuales representan sistemas numerales, escrituras y personajes que definen escenas cronológicas y de guerra. Sistema M, Muro de los Danzantes, Edificio L, Edificio K y Sistema IV (lado este). El Muro de los Danzantes contiene una serie de estelas que, a través de relieves, representan personajes humanos, con aptitudes en movimiento, lo cual les dio este nombre. Por sus características físicas son consideradas de la cultura olmeca, identificada como la más antigua en Mesoamérica. Plataforma Norte, Patio Hundido, Edificio A y B, Edificio del Vertice Geodésico (Lado Norte). La Plataforma Norte sobresale por su monumentalidad y por la congregación de varias plataformas, la Tumba 104 destaca por sus pinturas murales, dinteles, jambas con relieves y ofrendas funerarias de barro; Está ubicada en la parte posterior de la Plataforma Norte. La Tumba 7, donde fue hallado el tesoro de Monte Albán, por el doctor Alfonso Caso, está ubicada en la parte noreste, aislada de la Plaza Principal. En las laderas que circundan la Plaza Principal se encuentran diversas estructuras, identificadas como habitaciones, tumbas y entierros comunes. A la entrada de Monte Albán se encuentra el museo de sitio, donde el visitante podrá tener un acercamiento con los sitios que visitará dentro de la zona arqueológica.

The fight against terrorism at the state level will be effective only if all segments of the population of our country join it.


The most effective method of combating terrorism is to prevent the commission of terrorist acts.

Currently, specialists from federal services directly involved in the fight against terrorism have developed recommendations for the country's population on rules of conduct in the event of a threat of terrorist acts and terrorist attacks.

Everyone should know this

TO the most dangerous terrorist acts can be attributed:

  • explosions in crowded places (in markets, in train stations, in cinemas, during demonstrations, etc.);
  • seizure of aircraft and ships, cars and other vehicles, holding hostages in them;
  • kidnapping for ransom and threat of physical destruction of the hostage;
  • impact on hazardous industrial facilities (for example, chemically hazardous industries, nuclear power plants, arsenals and other dangerous military facilities, the destruction of which or disruption of their operation can cause mass casualties);
  • poisoning of water supply systems, food products, artificial spread of pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • artificial contamination of the area with radioactive waste.

Rules of conduct in case of possible explosion danger

Currently, the most typical actions of terrorists are organizing explosions in crowded places and residential buildings.


Timely detection of explosive objects will save the lives of you and other people.

Unfortunately, explosions on the street, in the yard, in the house and in the car have become part of our everyday life. Terrorists are very creative and have a rich arsenal - from improvised explosive devices to grenades and mines used by the armed forces.

Everyone should know this

The fact that there is a danger of explosion can be judged by the following signs:

  • an unknown item in a car, in an entrance, in the courtyard of a house, etc. (an explosive device can be disguised in a beer can, a pack of cigarettes, a toy, a bottle, or can be in a piece of pipe, a milk carton, in any package or box);
  • remains of various materials atypical for the site;
  • wire or cord is stretched;
  • wires or insulating tape hanging from under the car;
  • fresh scratches and dirt on glass, doors and other objects;
  • an unfamiliar smell where there has never been one, such as soup seasoning (some explosives smell like that);
  • prominent areas of freshly dug or dried earth that were not there before;
  • your apartment has traces of recent renovation work (paint, plaster, etc.) that you are not aware of;
  • someone else's bag, briefcase, box or other item that happens to be close to your car, house, or apartment.
Remember! If you notice an ownerless item, immediately contact a police officer or other official. Do not touch the find and do not let other people near it!

Examples of terrorists disguising explosive devices

If suddenly there was an explosion

  1. Try to calm down and clarify the situation.
  2. Proceed carefully, do not touch damaged structures and wires with your hands.
  3. In a destroyed or damaged room, due to the danger of an explosion of accumulated gases, you cannot use open flames (matches, lighters, candles, torches, etc.).
  4. In case of smoke, protect your respiratory organs with a moistened scarf (piece of cloth, towel).
  5. Turn on the local (apartment) warning system and check the possibility of mutual communication (television, radio, telephone, voice).
  6. In case of forced evacuation, take the necessary personal items, money, and valuables. Isolate the apartment (close all doors and windows), immediately report the incident by phone to the relevant law enforcement agencies. Notify neighbors to evacuate. Help the elderly and disabled leave the premises. Take into account the persons remaining in the premises. Close the front door tightly without locking it.

    If it is impossible to evacuate, you must take measures to ensure that you are known. Go out onto the balcony or open the window and call for help.

    When leaving home, move to a safe distance from it and do not make independent decisions about going to relatives and friends.

  7. Act strictly in accordance with the instructions of officials.

If you are covered in debris from walls

Try to pull yourself together, don’t lose heart, breathe deeply, evenly, slowly. Prepare to endure hunger and thirst. Use your voice and knock to attract people's attention. If you are deep below the surface of the earth, move any metal object (ring, keys, piece of pipe, etc.) left and right so that the metal detector detects you.

If the space around you is relatively free, do not light matches: save oxygen.

Move carefully - trying not to cause a new collapse, be guided by the movement of air coming from outside.

If possible, using available objects (boards, bricks, etc.), strengthen the sagging beams and the ceiling from destruction and wait for help.

If you are very thirsty, put a small piece of cloth (smooth pebble) in your mouth and suck on it, breathing through your nose.

Ensuring security in the event of hostage taking (attempted taking) or kidnapping

One of the common types of terrorism is taking people hostage and kidnapping people for the purpose of obtaining ransom for them.

Anyone, especially children, can become a potential hostage. In recent years, cases of hostage-taking have become more frequent all over the world, including in the Chechen Republic. These criminal offenses are usually accompanied by insulting the honor and dignity of captured citizens, causing them moral and physical suffering, bodily harm, or even death.

In this case, you need to have the appropriate knowledge in the form of rules (recommendations) developed by the practice of negotiating with terrorists when releasing hostages.

Everyone should know this

Rules of conduct if you are taken hostage

  • Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk, try to limit any contact with criminals, do not cause aggression in them with your actions or words, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Try as much as possible to soften the hostility of criminals towards yourself by remaining flexible, calm and peaceful.
  • Do not resort to extreme measures to free yourself if you were unable to escape and escape immediately during capture.
  • From the moment of capture, control your actions. Try to record all the actions of criminals.
  • Assess your location and don't panic. Try to remain calm even in conditions where criminals threaten you with physical harm, and also try to limit your mobility, vision or hearing, or create difficult living conditions, for example, restricting your food. water.
  • Use every opportunity to report (transmit information) about your location, signs of criminals, and the characteristics of their behavior to your relatives or law enforcement agencies.
  • Do not react to the provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look them in the eyes: this may cause additional aggression towards you. Follow the terrorists' demands and ask them for permission for any of your actions.
  • In a vehicle seized by terrorists, stay in your place, do not move around the cabin, and try to attract the attention of criminals as little as possible.
  • Avoid rash actions that could endanger your life and the lives of other passengers, especially when aircraft are hijacked by terrorists.
  • In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during an assault by a special unit), try to hide behind objects (a chair, table and other pieces of furniture), cover your body from bullets with improvised means, with everything that can weaken the penetrating effect of bullets.
  • Try to move away from the entrance doors, windows, portholes, hatches and take a horizontal position, remaining in this position until the command to leave the room is received from the commander of the assault group. In the future, unquestioningly follow all his commands.
  • During the assault, do not pick up the weapons of criminals, as they may mistake you for bandits and open fire on you to kill.
  • Try, if possible, not to let the bandits take your place among the hostages.

Rules of conduct if you are attacked for the purpose of kidnapping

Try to make as much noise as possible to attract the attention of others and fight off attackers.

To reduce the risk of kidnapping, the following precautions should be taken:

  • you need to know well the area where you live, its secluded areas;
  • If you feel like someone is following you, turn around and check your suspicions. If these suspicions are confirmed, change the direction, pace of walking, or flee:
  • do not get into a car with strangers or unfamiliar people;
  • You should categorically refuse, especially girls, from evening walks through vacant lots and construction sites;
  • never open the apartment door if you don’t know who’s calling, especially if you’re at home alone.


The success of your liberation depends on your endurance and ability to navigate a difficult environment.

Ensuring security during aircraft hijacking

We must remember that a plane is most often hijacked twice: first by terrorists, then by special forces. These actions are dangerous, and the most important commandment is to unquestioningly follow commands


As a rule, hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock.

  • first of all, you need to calm down yourself and, if possible, calm down your neighbor;
  • carefully inspect the place where you are, mark places where you can hide in the event of a firefight;
  • try not to stand out in a group of hostages and do not irritate the bandits in any way:
  • do not cough loudly, blow your nose, cry or express your dissatisfaction;
  • If you want to stand up, move to another seat, or open your purse, ask permission:
  • try to keep yourself busy - read, write or draw;
  • give away personal belongings that the terrorists demand;
  • when shooting, take cover behind the seat and cover your head with your hands, but do not run anywhere.

The hijacking of an airplane can last for several days, during which time the attitude of the criminals towards the passengers improves, so do not lose faith in a successful outcome.

Often during negotiations, bandits release children, women and the sick. If you are among this number, you must help the remaining passengers on board the plane as much as possible. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible: the number of hijackers, what part of the plane they are in, how they are dressed, their behavior (aggression, exposure to drugs, alcohol), who is the leader in the group and other signs that you were able to notice.


If there are only terrorists and hostages on the plane, it is better to sit near the aisle.
When a capture group appears, it is safer to be near a wall or porthole.

When hijacking an aircraft by special forces, you must:

  • close your eyes and hold your breath, as tear gas may be used;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • cover your sides and stomach with your elbows (the safest position is with your hands behind your head on your neck);
  • under no circumstances should you run or stand after the command to fall to the floor has been heard;
  • do not run out of the plane until the command is given;
  • after the command exit as quickly as possible:
  • Don’t waste time searching for your carry-on luggage: the plane could still catch fire or explode.

Ensuring safety during a firefight

A person can find himself under a hail of bullets for a variety of reasons: criminal, political, military. Recently, this situation has become quite common and even commonplace. Let's talk about how a civilian should behave in this situation.

Everyone should know this

Rules of conduct during a shootout

  • You cannot stay indoors near windows. This is dangerous not only because of the threat of a direct hit from a bullet, shrapnel, or shell, but also because of the danger of a ricochet. Experience shows that a bullet, having flown into a room, can ricochet off the walls and ceiling more than once, especially in concrete houses.
  • You must immediately move away from the windows. If there is a bathroom, then it is advisable to hide there, lie on the floor or in the bathtub.
  • While in your shelter, you need to monitor the appearance of smoke and fire. Every 3-5th bullet is a tracer, so the risk of fire is high.
  • If a fire starts and the shooting does not stop, you must crawl out of the burning room (apartment), closing the doors behind you. In the entrance, it is best to hide away from the windows, for example in a niche.
  • It is dangerous to approach windows and go out onto the balcony even if they are shooting far from your home.
  • When outdoors, you need to find shelter. They can be a building ledge, stone steps, a monument, a fountain, a concrete pillar, a brick fence or a curb. You need to crawl to the shelter. It's dangerous to run: you might be mistaken for an enemy.
  • If you are hiding behind a car, keep in mind that its metal is thin and there is fuel in the tank. In any case, even such shelter is better than none.
  • In such cases, there is no clear advice; the decision must be made on the spot.
  • Of course, there are also unconditional things: do not allow onlookers to stand and watch the shootout; first of all, children, elderly people and women should be saved.

On the procedure for receiving messages containing terrorist threats by telephone

The following actions will greatly help law enforcement agencies in preventing crimes and searching for criminals.

Try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper.

As the conversation progresses, note the gender, age of the caller (caller) and the features of his (her) speech:

  • voice - loud or quiet, low or high;
  • speech rate - fast or slow;
  • pronunciation - distinct, distorted, with a stutter, with a lisp, with an accent or dialect;
  • manner of speech - cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions.

Be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sounds of television or radio equipment, voices, etc.), as well as the nature of the call (city or intercity).

Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

In any case, try to get answers to the following questions during the conversation:

  • Where, to whom, what phone number is this person calling?
  • What specific demands does he/she make?
  • Does he/she make the demands personally, act as an intermediary, or represent a group of people?
  • Under what conditions does he (she) or they agree to give up the plan?
  • How and when can I contact him/her?
  • Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to get the caller to give the caller as much time as possible for you and your parents to make decisions or take any action.

If possible, inform your parents about it during the conversation; if not, immediately after it ends.

Do not talk about the fact of the conversation and its content. Limit the number of people who have the information received as much as possible.

If you have an automatic number identifier (ANI), write down the identified phone number in a notebook, which will avoid its accidental loss.

When using sound recording equipment, immediately remove the cassette (mini-disc) containing the recording of the conversation and take measures to ensure its safety. Be sure to install another one in its place.

Success in the fight against terrorism is only possible if you, the citizens of the country, are vigilant and observant, promptly informing law enforcement agencies and special forces about noticed signs of a possible terrorist attack.

Only through the joint efforts of the state and the entire population of the country can the effectiveness of terrorist crimes be reduced.


  1. What terrorist actions are considered the most dangerous?
  2. What importance is attached to the vigilance and observation of citizens and timely information from law enforcement officials about signs of a possible terrorist attack?
  3. Why is it necessary to close your eyes and hold your breath when a plane is hijacked by terrorists?
  4. On what personal qualities of a hostage does the success of his release depend?
  5. What was the largest terrorist act organized by illegally armed groups in North Ossetia in September 2004?


Carefully read the recommendations of experts on the rules of safe behavior in various situations of a terrorist nature. In your safety diary, make notes about personal safety rules if you find yourself in a similar situation.

The plane is always hijacked twice: first by the hijackers, then by the special forces. These actions are equally dangerous and the main commandment is to unquestioningly carry out the commands: first of the invaders, then of the counter-terrorist group.

Unless you have special training, do not try to be heroic while you can. You are dealing with a criminal who has already crossed a certain line, and the fear of another crime is unlikely to stop him.

Experience shows that hostages suffer most not from physical violence, but from severe psychological shock. This is what you should remember first of all when you find yourself on an unhappy plane.

Experts advise remembering “non-resistance to evil through violence,” which will reduce the risk to a minimum. This behavior usually dulls the vigilance of bandits and in any case helps to gain time, which is the most valuable resource for hostages. When flying, it is better to dress discreetly; men should avoid khaki-colored clothes and those with camouflage patterns; women should not overuse “minis” and jewelry. In order to pass the time during the flight, you should not stock up on publications of a political, religious, militaristic or pornographic nature. Accordingly, try to avoid talking to strangers about these topics.

When a plane is hijacked, proceed calmly and don't ask questions. Don't look terrorists in the eyes, obey their orders without arguing. Try not to react to provocative or defiant behavior of bandits. Don't do anything that will attract the attention of invaders. Give up personal belongings if terrorists demand it. Keep a photo of your family and children handy - and terrorists can be sentimental. Try to keep yourself busy: reading, playing, or talking with your neighbors. Don't drink alcohol. Try not to irritate the invaders in any way; you should not cry loudly or express dissatisfaction. Remember: if negotiations with terrorists drag on, first class passengers, as the most important ones, may become the first victims of the invaders as proof that they are ready to do anything.

The attack on a hijacked plane is carried out with lightning speed. The assault team captures the aircraft in a few moments, usually using blinding and stunning hand grenades. The operation is carried out simultaneously from different points. The liberation team, advancing in the smoke, shouts at the passengers to lie down on the floor and shoots at any armed persons or anyone who remains standing.

If when communicating with criminals it is better to sit near the aisle, then when a capture group appears, it is safer to sit near a wall or porthole. When you hear strong pops outside, gather yourself - most likely the capture group's charges have gone off, after which the hatches will separate. The next pops in the cabin are tear gas bombs, flash grenades, etc.

You must close your eyes and hold your breath, bend down as low as possible. Don't rub your eyes. The safest position is to put your hands behind your head and cover your neck. Elbows - sides and stomach.

While the capture group is working, you cannot run, fall into the arms of the liberators, or stand while the command is given to passengers to fall to the floor. Of course, special forces soldiers do not necessarily shoot at everyone who runs towards them, but we must keep in mind that passengers and terrorists usually do not differ in clothing.

Do not run out of the plane until the order is given, do not fuss; When you are released, get out as quickly as possible, do not waste time looking for your things - the plane can still explode or catch fire.

Your chances of becoming a hostage when an airplane is hijacked are very small, but, by and large, no one can give complete guarantees that this will not happen to you. Thus, if you find yourself on board a hijacked plane, take some measures that will help you survive.

Many aviation companies, especially reputable and well-known ones, have armed security personnel to combat air piracy. Their responsibility is to prevent the plane from being hijacked. And, nevertheless, always be on your guard. Be prepared to fall to the floor to find cover in the first minutes of the plane being hijacked. Rise only if you are sure that the shooting has stopped. Don't be overly curious. Generally, a passenger who fusses may be killed or injured in the crossfire.

Don't let terrorists mistake you for an anti-air piracy security officer . They won't figure it out, and everything could end badly. Terrorists can act in groups, and not all of them reveal themselves at the beginning of the attack. They can occupy seats among passengers, including for the purpose of identifying security personnel, and they are ready to kill anyone who seems dangerous to them. Do not make sudden movements or take anything out of your jacket or luggage.

Explosions on board are very dangerous. So, if a bomb or explosive device explodes, the pressure in the cabin can decrease sharply. In this case, the resulting hole will suck in people and objects. Fasten your seat belt to avoid injury.

Follow the instructions of the crew members. The crew members received special training to perform their duties in an emergency situation. Do not take independent actions unless the need for them is caused by extreme reasons. Think before you take any action. A calm, balanced, sober person will reassure other passengers.

Don't draw attention to yourself by doing anything. This is the most important rule for surviving a hijacking. Do not make visual contact with terrorists. Don't complain. Make yourself invisible. Take a neutral posture; Don't show your fear or anger unnecessarily.

If you need medication or are seriously ill, let the terrorists know.. Otherwise, behave calmly. In this case, terrorists will have no reason to pay special attention to you. If you bother them, you will be subject to insults and physical abuse. Don't ask questions. Not only will you attract attention, but you will also anger the terrorists. They can take it out on you for everything.

Don't kowtow to terrorists. As a rule, they do not respect those who humiliate themselves in front of them. Feel your responsibility to other passengers. Remember, there is a high chance that you will survive, but other passengers will remember any attempt you make to find contact with terrorists and gain their favor.

Do not carry political literature with you. You will never know which terrorists of what ideological orientation will hijack an airplane. The same advice applies to pornographic literature, especially in the Middle East. Keep business papers in your luggage. However, remember that your luggage may be searched (as was the case during the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 to Beirut in 1985).

Be prepared for the worst. In many cases, terrorists are cruel and brutal. Don't try to reason with them. Never rely on their mercy. If they are reckless enough to hijack a plane, they are capable of unpredictable actions, any provocation and cruelty. They will be nervous because only a few terrorists have attempted to hijack a plane before. They will need time to get used to this environment. Do not take any action that would cause them to act thoughtlessly out of fear or anger. In addition, they may try to subject you or other passengers to humiliation. Take their insults without complaint. If you turn them against you, they will settle accounts with you later.

Eat and drink as much as possible. Food may not be served regularly. Don't be capricious or picky. Eat and drink whatever is offered to you. You don't know how long you will remain a hostage, so maintain your strength if possible.

Carry necessary medications in your carry-on luggage. This advice will be especially useful to you because... Airlines often lose luggage. This precaution can save your life if you are held hostage for a long time. Don't forget to bring a card with your blood type and other necessary medical information. Provide medical care to people around you. Just in case, have some diapers and infant formula for infants and medicines for the elderly.

Get used to discomfort. In the summer, it is very hot in an aluminum airplane cylinder sitting on a concrete floor, and in the winter it is very cold, moreover, you may be in an uncomfortable position. The most depressing phenomenon is the stench on the plane. Initially, after the plane is hijacked, you and other passengers will not be allowed to use the toilet. You will be able to visit the restrooms very rarely. Passengers may be forced to relieve themselves in their seats. Later, toilets may become overflowing with sewage. There won't be enough toilet paper. If this is any consolation to you, the terrorists will also experience the same inconvenience, which will ultimately help resolve the conflict.

Keep in mind everything that happens on board the plane. If you are released or escape, you may be interviewed by the authorities for valuable information. You may be asked the following:

· the number of terrorists and what they are wearing;

· skin color, nationality, gender and other characteristics;

· any observations with the help of which it would be possible to determine their nationality, as well as individual characteristics, language and level of language proficiency;

· the order they proposed on board;

· location of terrorists and hostages;

· a description of the weapons and explosive devices (explosives) they placed on board, as well as their actions to repel attempts to free the aircraft.

Determine for yourself how you can leave the plane quickly. Remember the location of the exits, as well as the number of rows in front and behind you to the nearest exit. If there is a fire and there is a lot of smoke, bend down, if necessary, get down on your knees and elbows so that smoke and harmful gases do not enter your lungs, and make your way to the exit.

Be prepared for a possible attempt to free the aircraft. If you hear noises outside, do not pretend that you are looking out the window or in the direction of these sounds. Duck down in your seat and prepare to cover your head or protect your children.

If the forceful release of the aircraft begins, do not interfere with anything. The security staff are professionals and they know their job professionally. Follow their instructions. Whatever happens, do not pick up abandoned weapons. Your saviors can kill any person who has a weapon in their hands.

Watch out for the terrorists who are trying to mingle with the passengers after the shooting starts. Until the situation is under control of the security forces, you and other passengers may be treated roughly. You may even be searched. This is one of the precautions. You shouldn't be offended.

Don't be surprised if you feel some mental distress after the ordeal. This is fine. Many hostages experience mental suffering after this. Some of those released say they feel guilty for being the target of such scrutiny. Others are tormented by the fact that they did not put up worthy resistance or somehow collaborated with terrorists. It is not unusual for hostages who showed composure, restraint, and role models during the ordeal to later experience nervous stress and hysteria, when these qualities were no longer required. There should be no shame in seeking professional advice and help if you need it.

Rules of conduct in the event of an aircraft accident:

· lean forward in the chair, clasp your head with both hands; quickly remove all sharp objects, jewelry, watches, and hold the children close to you. Follow all instructions from the ship’s commander and crew, do not get up from your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop, and prevent in any way the occurrence of panic in the cabin and disruption of the aircraft’s alignment;

· after the aircraft stops moving, immediately, observing the order, leave it using emergency hatches (use rules are shown on them) and inflatable slides. When helping the wounded and children, move as far away from the plane as possible and lie down on the ground, covering your head with your hands so as not to be harmed by shrapnel when the plane explodes;

· provide first aid to the wounded. In a deserted area, with the help of other passengers, build shelters for children and the wounded from scrap materials; find a source of water and send several people for help.

Since the events of September 11, 2001, the number of aircraft hijackings and hijackings by terrorists has decreased significantly. Governments of different countries are trying to do everything possible to stop terrorist attacks and make them impossible. However, there is a possibility that one or another aircraft will be hijacked during the flight. Therefore, every person who travels by air should know what to do if the plane is hijacked by terrorists.

It is important to remember that planes hijacked by terrorists are hijacked twice: by terrorists and by special forces personnel. Both of these grips pose a danger to passengers and crew. Therefore, you need to know not only how to behave in the event of a terrorist invasion, but also what to do if captured by secret service officers. The main rule is to unquestioningly do what you are told. This requirement must be observed in order to preserve your own life. As practice shows, hostages during a terrorist attack most often suffer psychological injuries rather than physical ones. In many cases, the extreme psychological shock experienced by the hostage can negatively affect his behavior, which can lead to negative consequences, since terrorists will not tolerate disobedience on the part of the hostage.

Basic Rules

The following actions should be taken when an airplane is hijacked by terrorists. First of all, try to calm down. Try to calm not only yourself, but also the panicked people sitting next to you. You need to remain calm in order to behave appropriately and not get on the invaders’ nerves. When you realize that the airliner has been hijacked, you need to look around carefully. You should mentally imagine where you can hide if a firefight breaks out. Find such a place, or better yet several, to increase your chances of escape. Under no circumstances should you give any signals or stand out from the crowd. Don't attract the attention of invaders. Don't irritate the invaders as it is dangerous for your life. Don't make loud noises, don't cry. You cannot express your dissatisfaction in any way. If you need to go to the toilet, change seats, or, for example, take medicine out of your purse, be sure to first ask the invader if this can be done. In the event of a capture, the bandits occupy the main positions, and therefore the hostages must coordinate everything with them and obey.

If the invader demands that you give him your phone or earrings, be sure to do so. Don't risk your own life. If a firefight breaks out, quickly take a pre-designated spot. You can simply hide behind the back of the chair, covering your head and ribs with your hands: put your hands behind your head, lowering your elbows and neck down. Under no circumstances should you start running if they start shooting.

Terrorists can hold passengers hostage for several days. As a rule, every day the attitude of the bandits towards the hostages improves, and the latter cease to experience strong fear and shock. However, you cannot relax. On any given day the behavior should be as described above. You shouldn’t allow yourself too much, because the bandit’s attitude towards you can change dramatically. Do not lose faith that you will be saved and the outcome will be favorable for you.

In many cases, in the process of negotiations, bandits release certain categories of hostages. They release children, women and sick people. If you don't fall into this category, you can pretend to be sick. But such an action is quite risky. If you are left in the cabin of an airliner, try to help the passengers who are also here with you. Gather as much information as possible. Find out how many invaders there are, where exactly they are, and what they are wearing. Evaluate their behavior. You may notice the effects of drugs or alcohol. Determine who is in charge.

If the airliner has been hijacked by hijackers, it is better to sit on the aisle. When special forces get on board, move to the porthole.

One of the main rules of behavior in such a situation is no initiative. There is no need to attempt self-liberation. You cannot attack bandits or try to help special forces officers. The hostages are only required to calmly follow commands. There was a case in the history of Russian aviation when a terrorist hijacked an aircraft with more than 100 passengers on board. At some point, the policeman who was on board decided to save all the passengers and neutralize the invader. During the struggle, the invader exploded the bomb he had with him. One hostage's daring attempts to save everyone led to the death of hundreds of people.

Do not grab the invaders' hands or weapons. Even if you are confident in your skills and strengths. Maybe you will be able to defeat the terrorist. However, how can you be sure that he is the only one on board? After all, the terrorist is often accompanied by an accomplice or even several accomplices. In addition, there is no guarantee that at the last moment the bandit will not pull out the safety pin of the explosive device that is located under his jacket.

What to do when the special forces arrive?

When special forces seize an aircraft in order to free hostages and detain terrorists, it is also necessary to follow some rules and perform a number of actions. First of all, when the special forces officers get on board, you need to immediately close your eyes. Authorized personnel can spray tear gas to temporarily disable the invaders. In this case, keep your eyes closed and do not rub them with your hands.

If the command “everyone fall to the floor” was voiced, try to carry it out as quickly as possible. As a rule, shots are fired immediately after this command. Therefore, under no circumstances remain seated or stand up if such words are spoken. You cannot leave the aircraft until the appropriate command is given by special forces officers. When the command is announced, try to leave the board as quickly as possible. There is no need to waste time searching and collecting your things. In this situation, speed of action is very important. You need to get out quickly for your own salvation. Subsequently, upon successful completion of the operation, your hand luggage will be returned to you by authorized employees. It is important to remember that the aircraft may explode or catch fire as a result of a firefight. Therefore, as soon as the command to “abandon the plane” is given, it must be carried out immediately.